Work In Progress

Corporate Ownership and Board Compensation (with Behringer, J., van Treeck, T.)

Housing Wealth and the Welfare State: Substitutes or Complements? (with Disslbacher, F., Waltl, S.)

Working Papers

On Top of the Top. Adjusting wealth distributions using national rich lists (with Disslbacher, F., Ertl, M., Mokre, P. and Schnetzer, M.). 2020, INEQ Working Paper Series, 20. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna.

Journal Publications

Housing and Income Inequality in Europe: Distributional Effects of non-cash Income from Imputed Rents. 2022, Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming

Inequality, Redistribution and the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts for Austria (with Jestl, S.). 2022, Review of Income and Wealth

Distributional National Accounts (DINA) with Household Survey Data: Methodology and Results for European Countries (with Cetkovic, P., Ederer, S., Humer, S. and Jestl, S.,). 2021, Review of Income and Wealth

Homeowners and Renters: The financial burden of housing costs in Austria (with Altzinger, W.). 2020, Momentum Quarterly, Vol 9, Nr 3.

How financially vulnerable are CESEE households? An Austrian perspective on its neighbors (with Fessler, P. and Messner, T.). 2017, Focus on European Economic Integration, (2):58–79.


Distributional National Accounts (DINA) for Austria, 2004-2016 (with Jestl, S.). 2020, World Inequality Lab - Working Paper 2020/23.

Einkommensungleichheit in Österreich: Neue Sichtweisen und Beiträge zur Debatte (with Jestl, S.). 2021 WISO - Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW. (2/21)

Wohnkosten in Österreich (with Altzinger, W. ). 2019, Sozialministerium, INEQ Forschungsbericht

Nicht-monetäre Verteilungseffekte durch Immobilienbesitz (with Altzinger, W. ). 2019, Sozialministerium, INEQ Forschungsbericht

Finanzmarktstabilität in Zeiten unkonventioneller Geldpolitik (with Theobald, T. and Tober, S.). 2015, IMK Report, (107-2015).