Florian Benedetti

PhD student 02/09/2019-present

Institut fur Theoretische Physik Technische Universitat Wien

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

email: florian.benedetti@tuwien.ac.at


  1. "Coarse-Grain Simulations of Solid Supported Lipid Bilayers with Varying Hydration Levels", Florian Benedetti, Li Fu, Fabrice Thalmann, Thierry Charitat, Anne Rubin, and Claire Loison, J. Phys. Chem. B, 124, 38, 8287–8298


  1. “Comment to: “Martini straight: Boosting performance using a shorter cutoff and GPUs” by D.H. de Jong, S. Baoukina, H.I. Ingólfsson, and S.J. Marrink", Florian Benedetti and Claire Loison, Computer Physics Communications, 228, 146-151


09/2019-present Ph.D. Fellowship for Physics at the Vienna University of Technology (Austria)

09/2013-07/2018 Diploma degree in Physics at the University of Lyon (France)