Emaar Marbella Villas Gurgaon Offers the Best in Luxury Living

Emaar Marbella Villas is a residential project that is located in Sector 66, Gurgaon. This project has been developed by Emaar Marbella Real Estate Developers and was launched in 2014. The project offers luxurious living to its residents with modern amenities and facilities. In this post, we will discuss all aspects of Emaar Marbella Villas so that you can decide whether it suits your needs or not!

Emaar Marbella Villas Gurgaon Offers the Best in Luxury Living

Introduction to Emaar Marbella Villas in Gurgaon

Emaar Marbella Villas is a luxury residential project by Emaar Properties, a leading real estate development company in India. It is located in Gurgaon and offers the best of living at an affordable price. 

Location of Emaar Marbella Villas in Gurgaon

Emaar Marbella Villas is located at Sector 66, Gurgaon. It is a residential project by Emaar MGF Limited and was launched in 2013. The development consists of different types of villas along with amenities like swimming pool, gymnasium and club house.

As it has been mentioned above that this project is residential in nature so you can expect to find families living here as well as single people who are looking for an environment where they can enjoy their privacy away from the busy city life.

Luxurious design of Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas is a luxury residential project located in Gurgaon, India. It was built by Emaar Properties and designed by world-renowned architect Moshe Safdie. The project consists of five towers that are 85 stories tall, with an average height of 70 meters (230 feet).

The villas have been designed to create a sense of privacy while maintaining open spaces for social gatherings and community activities. The apartments have been designed with high ceilings, large windows and balconies; they also feature extensive use of natural materials such as marble floors throughout the living areas as well as wooden beams for support beams in kitchens and bathrooms

Amenities available at Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas Gurgaon offers the best in luxury living. The community living is a great idea for those who want to live in an environment that has all the amenities of home, but with some added perks.

The resort has recreation facilities for everyone to enjoy, including a pool that can be used by adults and children alike. There are also tennis courts and basketball courts available on site so you don’t have to worry about getting bored while waiting for your kids at school or work!

Recreation facilities at Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas Gurgaon is a paradise for those who love recreation. The villas are equipped with all the facilities needed to make your stay comfortable and hassle-free.

The swimming pool is one of the most popular recreational activities at Emaar Marbella Villas Gurgaon where you can enjoy yourself in this watery world with friends or family members. There are also other games like badminton, table tennis and carrom board that you can play here as well!

The gym has been designed specifically for fitness enthusiasts looking to burn off some calories after work or during their free time in order to remain healthy at all times!

Landscaping and greenery at Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas is a resort town located in Gurgaon, Haryana. It was built by Emaar Properties, one of the leading developers in India. The company has been involved in building luxury housing projects since 2000 and has more than 100 projects under its belt. In fact, it has been named one of "The Top Three Developers" by Forbes Magazine every year since 2010 (with an average annual revenue growth rate of 89%).

Community living at Emaar Marbella Villas

The Emaar Marbella Villas community is a vibrant, exciting and inclusive place to live. We have plenty of activities, events and initiatives that will help you get involved in the life of your villa.

Accessibility to Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas is located in Sector 66, Gurgaon. It is a residential project of Emaar Properties. The project is spread over 5 acres of land and offers you the best in luxury living with all modern amenities like swimming pools, gyms, spas and much more.

The residential area has been designed keeping in mind that it should be easy to access by car or public transport as well as pedestrians who prefer walking around their homes instead of driving around town all day long (like myself). The roads are wide enough so they don’t make you feel claustrophobic when getting into your car after work!

Cost of living at Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas is a gated community with over 1,000 residences. The villas range from 3,000 square feet to over 5,000 square feet and cost upwards of $2 million USD to purchase. The average price for an apartment in Gurgaon is around $1 million USD and can reach up to $3 million USD when considering larger homes or waterfront properties.

Emaar Marbella Villas has its own private school that offers international education standards at an affordable price point – it costs less than $5K per year! This makes it easy for families who work abroad or want their children exposed globally while still maintaining quality learning experiences at home (or abroad).

In addition to having access to top-tier schools like Bethany Christian School & International School Dubai International School New Delhi International School (IDIS) etc., residents also have access to other amenities such as dining venues within walking distance from most villas; gyms inside each residence complex; pools; clubs/parties rooms along with live entertainment options during weekends/holidays!

Security measures at Emaar Marbella Villas

When you’re looking for the best luxury living, you want it all. And what better way to get that than with a world-class security system? At Emaar Marbella Villas in Gurgaon, we have taken every precaution possible to ensure that our guests feel safe and secure at all times. From the moment they step inside their villas, they’ll be greeted by an army of highly trained guards who will check everyone’s identity before allowing them access into their home or office space.

If there is ever a problem with any aspect of our service or property management team member—from plumbing issues to power outages—our staff will be able to respond quickly so that everything runs smoothly without interrupting anyone's day-to-day activities (or even saving lives).

Sustainable living at Emaar Marbella Villas

Emaar Marbella Villas is a luxurious residential project that offers the best in luxury living. Located in Sector 66, Gurgaon, this project has been designed to provide top-notch facilities for its residents. The high-end homes are built with the latest technology and features that ensure utmost convenience for its occupants.

Emaar Marbella Villas offers the following amenities:

In addition to these amazing facilities, there are many other benefits associated with living at Emaar Marbella Villas Sector 66:

If you are looking for a place to live in Gurgaon, then Emaar Marbella Villas is the right choice. It offers a wide range of amenities and facilities that can meet your needs perfectly. These villas are designed with utmost luxury and comfort in mind so you can relax without any worries about your personal safety and security.

Get in Touch!

Website - www.emaarmarbellavillas.in

Skype - shalabh.mishra

Telegram - shalabhmishra

Email - enquiry.realestates@gmail.com

Mobile - +919990536116