I'm a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University College London.  My research is supported by the EPSRC  Doctoral Prize Fellowship (EP/W524335/1). 

Previously, I was a PhD student at the University of Warwick, supervised by Prof. Samir Siksek and Dr Damiano Testa. 

My research interests are in  number theory and arithmetic geometry. More specifically,  my current work focuses on modular curves, their integral, rational and low degree points, and points on modular Jacobians. I'm also interested in computational number theory and various questions surrounding abelian varieties in positive characteristic. 

Contact: e.lupoian@ucl.ac.uk or elupoian@gmail.com

Papers and Preprints 

4. 3-Torsion Subgroups of Jacobians of Plane Quartics  (preprint, joint with James Rawson) 

3. Computing the Cuspidal Subgroup of the Modular Jacobian J_H(p)  (preprint)

2. Three-Torsion Subgroups and Conductors of Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves  (preprint) 
