Elven Name Generator | Elf Names

Elf can be described as a character that has similar characteristics to humans. They also have some extraordinary skills.

You can see elves in many games like Dungeons & Dragons, Elder Scrolls, Pathfinder, and Warcraft. They have magical powers, and they have a natural beauty that can’t compare with others.

You can easily recognize them because they have pointy ears and have thin bodies. Elves are taller than 6 feet, and they are considered one of the most robust species that can face extreme weather and illness.

Generally, their hair color is golden or dark brown, while their eye color is grey.

See More: ESO Name Generator

Some Female Elf Names:

  • Ranaeril

  • Lhoris

  • Elyon

  • Lysanthir

  • Hamon

  • Folas

  • Nylian

  • Jorildyn

  • Samblar

  • Taredd

  • Nym

  • Vamir

  • Nieven

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