Year In Review


Prompt: What specific experiences in the past year have had the most impact on your personal, academic, or professional goals and life trajectory? Which future experiences will further encourage this growth? Please articulate specific academic and/or professional goals for the next year.

As I was first coming into UC, one of my main objectives was finding a community of people with whom to belong, grow, and support. Getting involved with the AACRC Transitions Program, an honors experience, was one of the first steps into achieving this goal. By getting involved with the Center, I have gained guidance on how to navigate my first year academically, professionally, and socially. It also opened many doors to opportunities of community engagement and outreach through our volunteering and events. Among the Center related events that I was able to get involved in includes attending the AACRC Choir Christmas Concert, performing with Transitions during Kuamka, earning a scholarship award during Ushindi, and volunteering to support the graduates for Tyehimba. Through getting involved with the Center, I have been able to develop close relationships with faculty and peers that I believe will continue to cultivate throughout my collegiate experience. 

Another one of my most formative first year experiences was partaking in the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, Alpha Alpha Chapter 2022 Miss Black and Gold Pageant. The requirements of the pageant included an essay application, an interview, an introduction speech, a career walk performance, a talent presentation, evening gown walk, and a question & answer portion. After applications were reviewed in December, we began practice for the pageant in January. The process of developing ideas and presenting them in practice was initially nerve-wracking, and as the sessions became longer and more frequent as the pageant neared, the stress sometimes became overwhelming. Nonetheless, it challenged me to grow immensely in how I present myself, my demeanor, and my speech & articulation. Though practice may have been stressful, it was always enjoyable to learn with and from my fellow candidates, who were always kind & supportive. Having the opportunity to be advised by past pageant winners was also an honor, as I was led by example from established and successful women whom I look up to. In the pageant itself, I placed second, earning the title of Miss Gold 2022. It truly was a wonderful experience, as it has allowed me to grow more comfortable and self confident with my own skills, and I have been able to gain many close friends along the way.

Lastly, an experience that I can attribute a great amount of personal growth towards was being selected to be a part of the 2022 United Black Student Association Leadership Committee. UBSA LC is an initiative under the umbrella organization, UBSA. The purpose of UBSA LC is to provide selected first-year students with the knowledge, resources, and experience to learn how to become campus leaders. After being elected to serve as its Programming Chair, I learned a lot about what it meant to be a campus leader in the sense of organization, cooperation, and execution. Learning about the history of the AACRC and UBSA gave me a bit of clarity of just what this organization entailed, and how much of an impact serving under UBSA can have on an individual as well as the campus community. As we planned and hosted events throughout the Spring semester, I was able to meet so many more people I can consider my peers, and I really felt more connected with not only my freshman class, but with students across campus. 

As I continue my collegiate journey, I want to be able to apply the skills and knowledge I have learned from these experiences to give back to the community from whom I learned it. I have applied to be a member of the BASE (Brothers and Sisters Excelling) Steering Committee, which are the individuals who serve as mentors for the AACRC Transitions Program. I have also applied to be a Programming Director for UBSA to continue to host cultural, educational, and social programs for students to engage in across campus.


Prompt: In what way(s) did you personally grow this year? How did you demonstrate or rebuild the resilience needed to move forward? How will you utilize resources and your support network to hold yourself accountable in continuing this growth?

This past year, I engaged in many pivotal experiences that challenged my personal growth and resilience. In particular, entering the workforce through co-op, transitioning from a mentee to a mentor to my peers, and accepting an unexpected leadership role forced me to confront my insufficiencies, find pride in my accomplishments, and lean into my support system when I needed to.

Entering the professional workforce through co-op brought me feelings of anxiousness and self doubt. Job search, interview processes, and career fair were all new and nerve-wracking experiences. However, an unexpected encounter with a recruiter at the first company I spoke with during the career fair helped alleviate my fears. Her reassurance and encouragement led to an interview, and, ultimately, an offer of employment. While imposter syndrome and the feeling of not fitting persisted during my time at the co-op, especially enhanced at being the youngest in my team and not seeing my identities represented company-wide, I found solace in the pride I derived from the work I was learning to do. Understanding that not fully fitting in might be a common aspect of this field, I learned to embrace the satisfaction that comes from aligning my work with my personal vision. This experience also allowed me to cultivate resilience. Navigating unfamiliar territory, there were many setbacks I encountered that caused further self-doubt in my ability. However, by consistently pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and seeking guidance from mentors and peers, I demonstrated a commitment to growth and willingness to overcome obstacles. 

By embracing the role of the mentor, I felt the impact of building connections and a strong support network. Being a part of the AACRC Transitions Program last year as a mentee, this year presented me the opportunity to navigate the space with a new perspective as a mentor. I was able to share my experience and connect with other students who were also navigating their own paths. Through these connections, I expanded my network, gained valuable insights, and was able to offer my own perspective in the aid of others’ journeys. This network provided by the AACRC consistently proves to be an invaluable resource in fostering my personal growth and resilience. 

An unexpected vacancy of position led to my nomination as the Vice President of a student organization I was a part of, despite initially not intending to pursue the role due to self-perceived lack of experience and fear of the time commitment. However, the unanimous nomination from my peers compelled me to embrace this call to leadership. Although the adjustment was difficult, this role pushed me to become more outspoken, deliberate, and confident in my skills and decisions. It required me to demonstrate adaptability and resilience and taught me that leadership is not about having all the answers, but rather about empowering others and fostering collaboration. I sought guidance from mentors and feedback from the executive board to continuously improve my leadership. Though I may have initially felt unprepared, I committed myself to execute at the best of my ability. The stress and effort invested ultimately yielded meaningful organizational accomplishments and solidified my personal confidence.

This past year has been transformative in my journey of personal growth and self discovery. It has shown me the cyclical nature to learning, adapting, and embracing new opportunities. I am able to walk away from each of these experiences more confident and sure in myself than when I entered, and learned that the best way to adjust to unfamiliar territory is to ask for help. I look forward to the future opportunities that await me, as I feel more capable of exposing myself to new experiences.