
Prof. Elouali Aailal.

Desert, Sahara, and Arid Lands Economy Development.

Hi, I'm Elouali Aailal,

Fourth International Congress on Desert Economy.

International scientific research collaboration for arid lands and desert development.

May 11th - 12th , 2023, Dakhla, Morocco.

The National School of Business and Management - Dakhla.

ENCG Dakhla.

Fourth_International_Congress_on_Desert_Economy_Dakhla_Morocco._conference. ENCG_Dakhla. arid lands sahara desert development economics space economy space industry energy water agriculture ocean farming sea scientific research foods.pdf

The Third International Congress on Desert Economy.

Energy Economics between Deserts and Oceans.

May 11th - 12th , 2022, Dakhla, Morocco.

The National School of Business and Management - Dakhla.

ENCG Dakhla.

ENCG Dakhla. The Brochure of the Third International Congress on Desert Economy. Energy Economics between Deserts and Oceans. Dakhla Sahara Morocco.pdf

Le Troisième Congrès International sur l'Économie du Désert.

Économie de l'Énergie entre Déserts et Océans.

Les 11 et 12 Mai 2022, Dakhla, Maroc.

L'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion - ENCG Dakhla.

ENCG Dakhla. La brochure du Troisieme Congres International sur l'Economie du Desert. Économie de l'Énergie entre Déserts et Océans. Dakhla, Sahara, Maroc.pdf

LECTURE: Mathematics and Politics: Democracy of Mathematics. Dr. Elouali AAILAL. ENCG Dakhla, Morocco. 2017

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