Tomo wants to be playful "like a girl" and begins hugging various girls in her class. Misuzu begins to grow jealous seeing Carol get clingy with Tomo. Tomo later tries the same move on Junichiro, but he sees it as childish.

With midterm exams coming up, Misuzu invites Tomo and Carol to come to her house to study. The other girls meet Misuzu's mother, Misaki, who bares a strong resemblance to her daughter. Likewise, Misaki confuses Tomo for her mother Akemi at first. The three study for the exams, with Tomo understanding Carol's odd explanations better than Misuzu's methods. After the exams, Tomo and Junichiro show small improvements in their scores, with Carol mocking Misuzu for finishing second, as she got the highest score.

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Tomo receives a wide range of birthday presents from her friends. Misuzu and Carol invite Tomo to Misuzu's house, where they proceed to give her a complete makeover. They then make Tomo buy ice cream at a local convenience store while still dolled up. Tomo feels embarrassed after spotting Junichiro at the same store, and trips over her new heeled shoes on the way out. Junichiro helps her up and walks to a park with her, not realizing that the girl is Tomo, even after she responds to subtle questions about their relationship. Tomo finally returns to Misuzu's house, discovering that Misuzu and Carol set up a surprise party for her birthday.

Tomo gets a part-time job at a ramen shop owned by Tatsumi's family, with Misuzu as a waitress and Carol playing a mascot. Misuzu and Tomo are both shocked to see Junichiro visit, but Junichiro's compliments raise Tomo's spirits. At the end of the weekend, all three girls get extra pay for their exceptional work. Tomo uses the money to buy Junichiro a birthday present and some cake. Junichiro suggests they eat it at her house.

First, I should say that if you are easily offended or politically sensitive, there is nothing wrong with that, but this game is not for you, just click the back button, close the tab, go on with your day. I am choosing to completely ignore politics in this review, especially when this is not even a political game (there's a difference between being historical and being political). For the outsiders of the military moe niche, this game might be offensive at worst, and confusing at best. In otaku culture there is a small niche of "military moe", typically cute girls blowing stuff up, fighting in wars, and so on. There are more mainstream examples of the sub-culture, such as Strike Witches, Girls und Panzer, and Sora no Woto. Often times this kind of stuff will be greatly inspired by WWII, such as Strike Witches taking place during the WWII era (but fighting aliens instead of Nazis), and Girls und Panzer having entire specials dedicated to information about WWII panzers. That said though, as amazing as these franchises are, they are at the forefront, not the fringe. Deep in the recesses of military moe you get girls like Mari-tan and Toromi; girls who aren't afraid to openly wield Nazi (or even Confederate) flags, say incredibly bigoted things, and so on; all in the love of moe and the worst people in history. Its not so much of a political statement, but instead is the combination of moe, history, and the bizarre fascination some people have with Nazi Germany. This is an extreme niche and extreme of otaku culture, and I absolutely love it. I will say though, I don't condone or agree with any hateful/bigoted views. 

Story & Gameplay

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1 is a short but sweet visual novel. As this is a visual novel, its entirely story based with very little gameplay. The gameplay in this mostly consists of reading and occasionally making choices that will effect the course of events. The series at the time of this review consists of three games acting as "episodes"; essentially this game would be a single chapter in a longer VN. In this game you play as Goeppels-chan, a gender-bent loli version of Goebbels. You're at the head of propaganda for the Nazis and your objective is to spread propaganda through the radio.

The game is roughly based on the real development of Nazi radio based propaganda. Goeppels is tasked with creating the "People's Receiver", which is a cheap one station radio. In addition to the creation of the physical radio, she also handles the radio programming and hosts her own radio show. She faces numerous challenges in creating and maintaining her propaganda efforts, and your choices decide if she's successful or not. 

This is a short game, so I can't go into too much detail without giving too much of the game away. This is a mix of nonsensical (and likely offensive) humor, alternative history, and historical information. The game will be making Nazi jokes one minute, then going incredibly deep into 1930's radio technology the next. Many of the jokes in this game were quite hilarious, it is self aware of how awful the Nazis were and it uses this to make some pretty funny jokes. I honestly expected this game to be a bit edgier, but it still was able to catch me off-guard quite a bit. 

This is very much a comedy game with a historical setting. The comedy style is primarily based on how outlandish the concept is and constantly praising National Socialism. For the most part, this game is really absurd and funny, but oddly, the game makes a great deal of homophobic jokes in one of Goeppel's radio programs. These jokes were the same level of humor as a "drunk college kids have a house party" movie from the early 00s, it just felt dumb and stale. Thankfully though they keep those jokes just within one scene, the rest of the game has snappy and fresh jokes. 

The game does feature a few choices, but sadly they don't affect the story all to much. Most of the choices will simply change the following dialogue or add a brief scene, but then it will come right back to where it was predetermined to go; literally bringing you back to the choice selection. Sometimes though you can actually change the course of the game, but this will result in a bad ending (which is still fun to read through though). This game only has a few choices to make during its run, but that's not surprising considering that the whole game is only about an hour long. As for its historical accuracy, its obviously alternative history as the Nazis weren't operated by teenager girls, but I will be honest and admit that I don't know how historically accurate the events are. I tried my best to research and study for this review, but the information was hard to find. The game is very much based around purely radio and not so much the war at large, the Holocaust, or anything else really; I'm pretty sure this game actually takes place during the years prior to WWII.

As for characters, you mostly see Goeppels (aka Geli). There are other characters, such as a few girls she works with, but they're primarily used for the story's plot-points and to give Goeppels information; not so much as fully fleshed out characters. A few of the other characters that can hold their own were a girl who's only visible in a special choice, a random guy she trolls in her radio program, and I hate to say this, but also Hitler. I can tell that the cast has enjoyable traits, but the focus here really is on Goeppels; maybe these other girls will be more developed in the later games.



As with the majority of visual novels, the graphics largely consist of people standing in front of backgrounds. There are a few girls who you see in full sprite (as seen above), but many of the characters will appear as portraits in small floating squares. The game doesn't have any full screen CG, but there are some special drawings that hold that place. The art in this does have a bit of a peculiar look to it but it is quite cute and fits the overall style and comedy of the game well. I personally would've preferred it if Goeppels was more befitting of the era like the other girls, but you do get to see her in a proper uniform at a point, so that was quite enjoyable. 

The game tries to give you historical vibes, and it does a really good job at doing so. The backgrounds are all real photos, sometimes historical photos, and sometimes doctored stock photos. There are also photos to help build the game's world, such as a photo of an old radio. Everything in this game that isn't a character is fully in sepia tone, it makes the game look "old" and I liked how consistent it was with this color palette. I know that restricted palettes are beginning to become cliche in indie (doujin in this case) games, but I still love it and am not tired of the concept. The game also includes some historical footage, this was really cool. It was enjoyable to see the real versions of stuff in the game, and I enjoyed how they used the footage; it felt really natural and smooth. My only issue with the graphics was that one background was horrendously low quality. It obviously had an immense amount of jpeg compression damage and they really should've used a higher quality image there. 

This game is very overt with Nazi imagery. The game was released in, at the latest, 2016 in Japan, then localized in 2019 (this is why it shows two dates on Steam). The more "modern" we get as a society, Nazi imagery falls more and more out of favor; well, if only that were the case, many franchises are still rife with Nazi symbols, they just use symbols that are less shocking or known. Its quite in your face when a game inserts the hakenkreuz (swastika) everywhere. The game not only has it on the characters and scenery, but even the menu button is a swastika. Seeing such liberal use of the symbol makes the game feel older than it really is, which is cool if you're a fan of 00s stuff, as this very much feels like its from 2006 and not 2016.


Sound of Music

The game was surprisingly fully voiced, and as this is a Japanese game, its all Japanese voices. Unexpectedly, the male voice actors were actually leagues ahead of the female voice actors, they just delivered their lines so much better and had clear vocal personalities. Goeppels does sound cute, but a bit strained, like the voice actor isn't fully trained. The voice acing as a whole was fine enough to not cause any problems though, my enjoyment of the game wasn't damaged by it. Sometimes though Goeppels does do a really nice job, such as when she sings propaganda laden jingles, these sounded really good and her delivery was really funny. The game does have a few sound effects, they were all good. I quite enjoyed the radio jamming sound effect, it sounded really cool.

The music in this game was enjoyable. The game has a few original songs that have a really nice amount of variety for a game of this length. What I enjoyed even more though is that this game makes heavy use of Nazi military songs, like old recordings. I love the tonality of music recorded back then (military and not), and it always just pushes it over the edge when media plays actual Nazi music. It very much gives the same effect of that special Schrdinger ED in Hellsing Ultimate; its nice when people fully commit to their creative vision and ignore if its appropriate or not. My only real complaint with the music is that sometimes the game will have no background music. Silence can be used to create certain tones to great effect, but this game didn't really do that, so I would've preferred it if the music was more constant. 


Overall, the fringe stuff of military moe, the kind of stuff with gratuitous swastika usage and blatant Nazi references, is rare and hard to come by. Its such a fringe niche of an already niche culture, so its always a joy when one discovers media like this. Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1 fits into this niche perfectly with its upfront aesthetic, historical setting, and comedy style. Although a few jokes fall flat, the game is overall quite funny with outlandish and "shocking" jokes; it was a joy to play through and actually had me laughing. It was really interesting to see a game focus on propaganda and not be some kind of gimmicky simulation game. The game is only a few dollars, and free if you go with the untranslated version. Its short, most definitely a "done in an hour" game, but its enjoyable for what it lasts and I'm excited to check out its sequels. 

This is Goeppels-chan signing off.

Goodnight, Berlin. be457b7860

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