
January 2024                 Post-doctoral paper in press !

September 2023                I started a new position as Teaching and research assistant !

November 2022                Paper in collaboration published

31th of January 2022                End of my Postdoc

January 2022                              Last Ph.D. paper published

October 2021                              1st invited oral presentation - GSA

September 2021                         Another Ph.D. paper published

April 2021                                  Online oral presentation - EGU

February 2021                           1st Ph.D. paper accepted

November 2020                         Publication of a new paper

1st of February 2020                 1st day of my Postdoc

23th of April 2019                    Ph.D. defense

August 2018                               Publication of a new paper

April 2018                                   1st oral presentation in an international congres - EGU

January 2018                             Publication of my first paper

November 2016                          3rd MedMeet - Budapest

October 2016                               Participation in the RST

Earth's Sciences Meeting - 25th occasion - Caen (France)

In french = Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST)

April 2016                                   1st participation in an international congres - EGU

1st of October 2015                      1st day of my Ph.D.