Marty Friedman Guitar Rig 5 Preset

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How to Sound Like Marty Friedman with Guitar Rig 5

Marty Friedman is one of the most influential and versatile guitarists in the world. He is best known for his work with Megadeth, Cacophony, and his solo albums, where he showcases his unique style of melodic, exotic, and expressive playing. If you want to sound like Marty Friedman with Guitar Rig 5, you will need to use the right presets, effects, and settings to recreate his tone. Here are some tips and examples to help you achieve that.

Choose a High-Gain Amp Model

Marty Friedman uses high-gain amps to get his signature distorted sound. He has used various models over the years, such as Marshall, Engl, Laney, and Friedman. Guitar Rig 5 offers several high-gain amp models that can emulate these amps, such as Hot Plex, Gratifier, Jump, and Lead 800. You can experiment with different amp models and tweak the gain, EQ, presence, and master settings to find your preferred tone. For example, you can try using the Lead 800 model with these settings:

Gain: 7

Bass: 6

Middle: 4

Treble: 7

Presence: 6

Master: 5

Add a Noise Gate and a Compressor

To reduce unwanted noise and feedback from your high-gain amp model, you can add a noise gate effect before the amp in your signal chain. Guitar Rig 5 has a noise gate effect called Noise Reduction that you can use to adjust the threshold and decay settings to eliminate noise without affecting your sustain. For example, you can try using the Noise Reduction effect with these settings:

Threshold: -40 dB

Decay: 100 ms

To smooth out your dynamics and add more sustain and punch to your tone, you can add a compressor effect after the amp in your signal chain. Guitar Rig 5 has a compressor effect called Compressor that you can use to adjust the threshold, ratio, attack, release, and makeup gain settings to suit your playing style. For example, you can try using the Compressor effect with these settings:

Threshold: -20 dB

Ratio: 4:1

Attack: 10 ms

Release: 100 ms

Makeup Gain: 3 dB

Add a Delay and a Reverb

Marty Friedman often uses delay and reverb effects to create a spacious and ambient sound for his solos and melodies. He usually uses a digital delay with a short delay time and a moderate feedback level to create a subtle echo effect. He also uses a hall reverb with a long decay time and a low mix level to create a sense of depth and dimension. Guitar Rig 5 has several delay and reverb effects that you can use to emulate these effects, such as Delay Man, Quad Delay, Reflektor, and Studio Reverb. You can experiment with different delay and reverb effects and tweak the delay time, feedback, mix, decay time, size, and density settings to find your preferred sound. For example, you can try using the Delay Man effect with these settings:

Delay Time: 300 ms

Feedback: 30%

Mix: 20%

And the Reflektor effect with these settings:

Type: Hall

Decay Time: 4 s

Size: 100%

Density: 100%

Mix: 10%


Marty Friedman is a guitar legend who has inspired many players with his amazing tone and technique. If you want to sound like him with Guitar Rig 5, you will need to use the right presets, effects, and settings to recreate his tone. You 66dfd1ed39

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