First ELLIS NLP Workshop

Workshop Description

ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, is a European grassroots initiative in AI and ML with a focus on scientific excellence, innovation, and societal impact. The new established ELLIS NLP program, which is led by Iryna Gurevych, André Martins, and Ivan Titov includes NLP fellows and scholars from 15 European institutions (

This workshop will have the purpose to share insights, discuss emerging topics and a strategic roadmap for the field under the title "Open Challenges and Future Directions of NLP". It will take place on 24th-25th February 2021 via a virtual meeting platform.

We are excited to have five keynote speakers for our workshop (in alphabetical order):

- Yoshua Bengio

- Yejin Choi

- Hinrich Schütze

- Sameer Singh

- Yulia Tsvetkov

All the keynotes will be broadcasted via YouTube (Click Here).