ELLIS Workshop on

Causethical ML

July 26, 2021

13:00-19:00 CET

Registration is open here.
Live-stream on YouTube:
Questions form for speakers and panelists:

Exploring fairness, explainability, robustness, privacy and security, and accountability in ML through a causal lens.


Causality and ethical ML are two mostly disjoint fields in machine learning. Recently, their intersection is attracting increasing attention as models are deployed for consequential decision-making domains. However, most existing literature only sporadically explores this field. The aim of this workshop is to bring these efforts together to open a channel of discussion and potential collaborations to fill the gaps. Specifically, the workshop focuses on investigating progress in the five fields of fairness, explainability, robustness, privacy and security and accountability in ML through a causal lense.


Matt J. Kusner

Isabel Valera

Jonas Peters

Cynthia Rudin

Issa Kohler-Hausmann


Ricardo Silva

Kun Zhang

Been Kim

James F. Woodward

Tobias Gerstenberg


ELLIS Human-centric Machine Learning

ELLIS Robust Machine Learning

ELLIS Interactive Learning and Interventional Representations


If you have any questions, please contact us via:

amirhkarimi [at] gmail.com or mrateike [at] tuebingen.mpg.de