
There is a registration fee of £150 (to be paid once participation has been confirmed). The school will provide accommodation from Monday 8 August 2022 to Saturday 13 August 2022 as well as meals.

There is funding available for students who would not be able to come otherwise. This can cover travel, registration fees and other essential expenses.

To apply to the school, please send an email to before 30 April 2022 with

  • your name and institution

  • a short paragraph on your mathematical interests

  • a cv including a list of publications (for postdocs and established researchers)

  • a statement whether you would like to be considered for financial support.

Graduate students should arrange for their adviser or other appropriate academic to send a recommendation letter to the above address by 30 April 2022.

We would like to draw your attention to the conference "Mordell 2022 -- a centenary of Elliptic Curves" which will be held the week following the school in Cambridge (see