
9월 14일

09:55 ~10:00

개회 및 인사말

10:00 ~ 11:15

Title : Anti-Mordell-Weil fields and the infinite rank of abelian varieties over fields with finitely generated Galois groups

Speaker : Bo-Hae Im (KAIST)

11:15 ~ 11:30

Break Time

11:30 ~ 12:45

Title : 2-Selmer ranks of elliptic curves in the family of quadratic twists

Speaker : Myungjun Yu (KIAS, CMC)

12:45 ~ 14:00

Lunch Time

14:00 ~ 15:15

Title : Distribution of Bianchi modular symbols

Speaker : Dohyeong Kim (SNU)

15:15 ~ 15:30

Break Time

15:30 ~ 16:45

Title : Modular symbols and Selmer groups

Speaker : Chan-Ho Kim (KIAS, CMC)

9월 15

10:00 ~ 11:15

Title : Rational cuspidal subgroup of J_0(N)

Speaker : Hwajong Yoo (SNU)

11:15 ~ 11:30

Break Time

11:30 ~ 12:45

Title : On the 2-adic valuations of L-values of elliptic curves

Speaker : Junhwa Choi (KIAS)

12:45 ~ 14:00

Lunch Time

14:00 ~ 15:15

Title : Average analytic rank of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion

Speaker : Peter Jaehyun Cho (UNIST)

15:15 ~ 15:30

Break Time

15:30 ~ 16:30

Title : The algebraic parts of the central values of quadratics twists of modular L-functions modulo l

Speaker : Youngmin Lee (KAIST)

16:30 ~ 16:35

폐회 및 인사말