According to surveys of 200 veterinarians in the United States and Canada, arthritis in dogs affects 20% of canines older than a year. 

Also known as degenerative joint disease, it is a disorder that gradually affects and destroys your pet’s knees irreversibly. 

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder of the joints, which can manifest either by swelling or wear and tears. The elbow, the knee, and the hip are all examples of joints or the meeting points of two bones.

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What are 5 Symptoms Of Arthritis?

These are the 5 symptoms you should be checking if you think your dog is already suffering from arthritis.

How Do You know It Is Arthritis?

To know if your dog is suffering from Arthritis, all you have to do is to check for the 5 above symptoms. In case you are noticing any of those symptoms, one of the best ways to tackle the sickness is to try the Ellevet CBD product

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Can Arthritis Be Cured?

Not at all. It is unlikely that the cartilage in your dog's joint(s) will heal fully if it has been injured. However, with the right medicine and careful supervision, many dogs may be made pain-free and prevent future decline.

What Is The Main Cause Of Arthritis?

Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that primarily affects senior dogs due to natural age-related wear and tear of age. The tearing of ligaments or the breaking of bones is another possible cause. joint condition called hip dysplasia is frequently the result of poor breeding practices.

How Are Dogs Diagnosed With Arthritis?

If your pet is experiencing pain or discomfort, your vet may be able to pinpoint the specific joint(s) involved with a physical examination that includes bending and straightening those joints. Additional testing (such as x-rays) may be recommended to confirm and localize arthritic change, and occasionally reveal underlying reasons as well. Samples of blood may be necessary in some circumstances to rule out underlying medical disorders that can be mistaken for arthritis.

How Is Arthritis Treated?

If your veterinarian has reason to believe that your dog suffers from arthritis, he or she may recommend that your pet undergo treatment on multiple occasions throughout their lifetime. Treatments can vary greatly from patient to patient in terms of the medication prescribed and the length of time necessary to administer the treatment.

Remember to check out how long can a dog live with arthritis Remember to check out Spot On GPS Fence