Dr Ellen Luckins

Warwick Zeeman Lecturer in Applied Mathematics

address: Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, 

University of Warwick

 Coventry CV4 7AL

email: ellen.luckins [at] warwick.ac.uk

LinkedIn: Ellen Luckins

I am an applied mathematician working as a Zeeman Lecturer at the Warwick Mathematics Institute.

I am interested in mathematical modelling of physical and industrial problems, including

My previous postdoctoral  research in the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM) at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, was in the mathematics of filtration and decontamination. This involved developing and analysing models for interacting fluid flows and chemical processes within porous materials. 

Before that, I studied for my DPhil at Oxford University through the InFoMM CDT.  My DPhil research project was in collaboration with Elkem, a metallurgy company which produces silicon in a submerged arc furnace. My research focused on the coupled electrical, thermal, and chemical processes in the furnace.