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Simply tell Campaign Assistant what your campaign is about, and select a tone of voice that fits your brand. In a few clicks, you'll receive high-quality copy that features your selling points and desired call to action.

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HubSpot's Campaign Assistant is a powerful AI tool that allows you to create marketing assets in just minutes. This tutorial will take you through all the details of Campaign Assistant's AI features, helping you make the most of your marketing campaigns. You'll learn:

AI marketing campaigns offer numerous benefits including content creation, efficient data analysis, and automation of routine tasks. By leveraging AI, marketers can gain deeper insights into customer behavior, refine their marketing strategies, and effectively engage their target audience, all while saving time and resources.

Campaign Assistant is HubSpot's AI-powered tool that allows you to create landing page copy, marketing email copy, and ad copy for your next marketing campaign.\nYou provide information about your campaign, choose a tone of voice that resonates with your brand, and select which type of asset you want to generate, and the tool will produce either a landing page, email, or ad. " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why should you use Campaign Assistant to create marketing assets?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Crafting marketing campaigns can take weeks, and a large portion of that time is spent copywriting. When you use an AI-powered marketing asset generator like Campaign Assistant, you can significantly cut down the creation time of your marketing efforts. \nIn just a few clicks, Campaign Assistant will generate your desired landing page, email, or ad copy all for free. Allocate your time to tasks that need a human touch, and let AI do the heavy lifting. \n " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How can I start using Campaign Assistant in Public Beta?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "You can start using Campaign Assistant in Public Beta by pressing the \"Get Started\" buttons on this page. You'll be directed to the tool from these buttons.\nOnce in the tool, you'll create a HubSpot account or login to your existing HubSpot account. This will allow you to utilize Campaign Assistant's AI. " } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is Campaign Assistant really free?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Campaign Assistant is 100% free to use!" } } ] } Frequently Asked Questions What is Campaign Assistant? Campaign Assistant is HubSpot's AI-powered tool that allows you to create landing page copy, marketing email copy, and ad copy for your next marketing campaign.

You provide information about your campaign, choose a tone of voice that resonates with your brand, and select which type of asset you want to generate, and the tool will produce either a landing page, email, or ad.

Crafting marketing campaigns can take weeks, and a large portion of that time is spent copywriting. When you use an AI-powered marketing asset generator like Campaign Assistant, you can significantly cut down the creation time of your marketing efforts.

This page shows all metrics and segments that can be put in the same SELECT clause as the fields of campaign. However, when you specify campaign in the FROM clause, some metrics and segments cannot be used. Use the following filter to show only the fields that can be used when campaign is specified in the FROM clause.

CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with almost 200 CFC campaigns throughout the country and overseas raising millions of dollars each year. Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season will support eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world. The Director of OPM has designated responsibility for day-to-day management of the program and to its CFC office.

In June 1956, President Eisenhower formally charged the President's Advisor on Personnel Management with responsibility for the development and administration of a uniform policy and program for fundraising within the federal service. In that year, Fund Raising Bulletins No. 1 and No. 2 were issued, identifying the charitable organizations recognized for on-the-job solicitations and designating the times of the year during which their solicitations could take place. General guidelines were issued for the conduct of campaigns, and an Eligibility Standards Committee was established. The Committee's eligibility criteria formed the basis for identifying charitable organizations recognized for solicitation during 1958 and later years.

President Eisenhower further formalized the administration of the program by Executive Order 10728 of September 6, 1957. The Executive Order placed it under the supervision of a Presidential Committee, staffed by the Civil Service Commission. Solicitations by charities were consolidated into three on-the-job campaigns a year (for different groups of charities), and operational ground rules were established and eligibility tightened.

The principal characteristics of the emerging federal fundraising program were that all individual voluntary health and welfare agencies were grouped into the four categories above, and that each of the groups was assigned specific periods during each year when they would be permitted to carry out on-the-job solicitations. The Community Chest organizations (primarily local United Ways) were assigned campaigns privileges during the fall, the National Health Agencies and the International Service Agencies were assigned a campaign period in the spring, and the American Red Cross (where it had not consolidated its fundraising efforts with the local Community Chest) was permitted a separate campaign during the spring.

This was a giant step in simplifying and systematizing fundraising in the federal service. As it developed, however, there continued to be dissatisfaction with the expense and disruptive influence of multiple campaigns. It also remained true that receipts continued to be low in relation to the proportion of time and energy devoted to the various campaigns. Campaigns were often not organized with vigor and enthusiasm and, with the exception of United Way campaigns, were dependent upon cash donations handled through an envelope distribution system. While the United Way campaigns solicited pledges as well as one-time cash contributions, all contributions were paid directly by the employee to the voluntary agency. There was no payroll deduction.

Work on overcoming problems with the program continued. Serious consideration began to be given to both a system of payroll deduction and the possible consolidation of solicitation efforts into a single campaign. There was strong interest on the part of representatives of the voluntary agencies in payroll deduction. However, there was not agreement at this stage on the part of all participants about the desirability of melding the separate identities of the fundraising organizations by consolidation into a single campaign.

In 1964, the first "combined" campaigns, officially called "Combined Federal Campaigns, or CFC" were conducted as experiments in six cities, consolidating all drives into one. The result was a substantial increase in contributions, ranging from 20% to 125%, and a highly favorable response within the federal community: agency managers were pleased with having to deal only with a once-a-year effort; federal employees responded with favor to the single solicitation.

By 1971 all campaigns had become "combined." President Nixon announced on March 3, 1971, that the CFC would be the uniform fundraising method for the federal service. Another major change at the time was the introduction of payroll deduction as a form of charitable contribution. This was made possible only by a truly combined, once-a-year campaign, and greatly increased the size of contributions.

Significant changes to the CFC regulations in April, 1980 went a long way toward expanding participation in the CFC and resolving a number of other problems. Regulations issued in 1982 by OPM Director Donald Devine also addressed CFC organization. They formally recognized the role and responsibilities of the local groups of Federal officials that manage the campaigns -- Local Federal Coordinating Committees (LFCC's) -- and introduced the concept of Principal Combined Fund Organizations (PCFO's) -- local federated fundraising organizations appointed by LFCC's to administer the local campaigns.

Under the Hoyer-Hatfield Amendment to the Continuing Resolution for FY 1986, however, Congress declared that OPM could not issue the regulations in final form and implement them. Congress directed OPM to either disregard the content of the 1982 and 1983 Executive Orders or reissue the regulations used in the campaigns in 1984 and 1985. OPM reissued the 1984 regulations and administered the 1986 and 1987 CFC under these interim rules.

Public Law 100-202 required OPM to review the formula for distributing undesignated contributions based on the experience of the 1988, 1989, and 1990 CFC's. In 1990, OPM conducted eight public meetings around the country to hear from all interested parties, especially federal employees, on this topic. Final regulations were published in August, 1991 that provided for undesignated funds to be distributed to organizations in the same proportion as they received designations. In addition, three new general designation options for all participating organizations, all national/international organizations, and all local organizations were created. They have since been removed. A fourth general designation option for all international organizations was mandated by congressional legislation and still exists today. These regulations were effective with the 1992 campaign. be457b7860


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