Website Contributors

How was the website created?

As part of a Faculty Fellowship from Texas A&M-University Commerce, Dr. Jacqueline Riley worked with the featured teachers, videographer and school administrators to plan and execute the lessons.

Who is Dr. Riley?

Dr. Riley is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas A&M University-Commerce. She has worked as a high school Spanish teacher, K-5 ELL (English language learner) teacher and middle school English teacher. At the university, she currently teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses focused on the foundations of bilingual/ESL education; and developing ELLs’ literacy skills, oral language abilities and content knowledge. These courses serve to prepare educators to meet the needs of ELLs in their own schools. Her research interests include the effective use of technology with ELLs, ELL literacy development and bilingual/ELL teacher preparation.

You can contact her at

Who are the teachers in the video?

At the time the videos were made (spring 2017), seven students in a graduate level ELL Foundations class participated. There were four pre-service teachers and three pre-school/elementary school educators. These teachers are to be commended for their willingness to participate and their significant contribution to the video library!

· Pre-service teachers: Shelby Knapp, Vivian Powers, Della Souder, Beret Thorpe

· Current teachers: Hiske Schoonhoven, Carneshia Oliver, Desirate Zarate

Who are the students in the videos?

The students range from Pre-K to 3rd grade. Some classes contain both English language learners and non-English language learners; other classes are comprised entirely of ELLs. All students’ parents have completed the necessary paperwork allowing them to take part in the lesson demonstrations and to be filmed.

Who filmed and edited the videos?

Based on the input from Dr. Riley and the featured teachers, Richard Fulkerson (Multimedia Production Specialist) at Texas A&M University-Commerce filmed and edited the videos.