FTIR Spectrometer

Thermo-Nicolet iS50 and Continuum Microscope

At JMU, we are able to prepare and run samples for polarized and unpolarized FTIR spectroscopy measurements to characterize and quantify hydrous species in minerals and glasses, and CO2 in glasses.

Interested in using this instrument for a project? Please contact me! I welcome graduate students, postdocs, and faculty from other institutions to collaborate on projects.

We have a Thermo-Nicolet is50 FTIR spectrometer with:

  • ATR accessory

  • DTGS and MCT-A detectors

  • KBr beamsplitter

The Continuum microscope has:

  • MCT-A and MCT-B detectors

  • 15x and 32x objectives for spatial resolution as low as a few micrometers

  • An infrared polarizer

  • The ability to insert a Linkam state to obtain temperature-dependent data (LN2 to 400C)

  • Automated mapping stage and rotating stage