What are the Different Types of Wall Tiles for Home?

What are the Different Types of Wall Tiles for Home?

While looking for walls tile for your home, you have to choose materials that are both durable and easy to maintain. There are different kinds of tiles for every area of your house. For instance, you can install tiles that are water-resistant and perfect for wet areas for the bathroom. For kitchen walls, we recommend selecting stain-resistant tiles. Wall tiles protect your walls and make them long-lasting....

Thick wall tiles are best because they are tough and durable. When you are choosing tiles for your walls, do your thorough research before you make the purchase. Tiles, such as wood and porcelain tiles, are great and retail at a cheap price tag. You can find a wide variety of cheap wall tiles for sale to fit your budget and bring great designs and colors to brighten up your home.

Different types of tiles

1.Tiles for outdoor area

Porcelain tiles are the best option for the patio area. They are durable and much denser than any other tiles. Since outdoor wall tiles are exposed to harsh conditions, so tiles like porcelain, ceramic, quarry, and slate are great to add colors to your outdoor area while maintaining quality.

2.Tiles for bathroom

Choosing tiles for your bathroom can be both difficult and easy. Bathroom tiles are in great varieties that it makes it harder to choose which tile you want to use. For bathroom tiles, try using tiles that can withstand water pressure and stains. Porcelain tiles are the first option if you want long-lasting tiles. Glass tiles are also one of the preferable choices because of their aesthetic element. Additionally, they are also washable, meaning they are great for bathrooms. Vinyl tiles are famous for bathroom walls because of their luxurious look.

Moreover, they are easy to install and maintain. These tiles add a warm and comfortable element, especially to a bathroom. Vinyl tiles are available in a wide range of colors and patterns.

Read: Why are ceramic tiles better than vitrified tiles?

3.Tiles for kitchens

The kitchen is the most important part of the house. Choose Kitchen tiles are necessary because tiles protect the walls from catching stains while cooking. For kitchen splashbacks, glass or porcelain tiles are your best bet. Granite tiles can also be used on the kitchen walls or on the counter as they’re stain and scratch-resistant. Quartzite tiles are also slowly making their way into modern kitchen décor.

4.Tiles for rooms

Split face tiles are usually used in bathroom walls, but you can install them in your bedroom as well. Their 3D effect adds a sophisticated element to the décor of your house while maintaining a minimalistic look. They are also thick and grout-free. Hexagon tiles are also in style, and the most famous technique of installing these tiles is only on one of the room walls using contrast colors. Their designs are also great for lounge walls; they give off a vintage kind of vibe. Marble tiles also make a classy combination for bedroom walls and flooring.

The bottom line

Tiles add a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home’s décor. You can buy the best-suited tiles with a bit of research without having it cost you an arm and a leg.