
You may choose to spend your time in this classroom however you like, but you can only spend it once.

Inspired by the Ron Clark Academy, there are 55 challenges that we will embrace this school year!

  1. Believe in the MAGIC of this classroom.

  2. Accept correction and advice and learn from it.

  3. Show appreciation.

  4. Embrace a motto of “No fear!”

  5. Don’t procrastinate.

  6. Seek to be a global citizen.

  7. Pick up trash and show pride in keeping the school clean.

  8. Cheer for your classmates and celebrate their success.

  9. Avoid jealousy.

  10. Be CURIOUS.

  11. Always say thank you within three seconds of receiving something.

  12. Show good character and make good choices when no one is looking.

  13. Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas.

  14. If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.

  15. Avoid cliques and befriend all.

  16. Realize that the ENERGY you place in your environment is the energy that is returned to you.

  17. Apologize with sincerity and mean it.

  18. Approach guests and welcome them with a firm handshake, eye contact and passion.

  19. Find solutions; don’t make excuses.

  20. Use proper etiquette at lunch: napkins in the lap, mouth closed while chewing, etc.

  21. Love your Pequea House and represent it with pride.

  22. Do not feel entitled.

  23. Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me.

  24. Surprise others by performing random acts of KINDNESS.

  25. Always be professional and neat in appearance at every school event, from conferences to field days; no tank tops, hats on indoors, shorts/skirts of inappropriate length.

  26. Answer all written questions with a complete sentence.

  27. Subject transitions will be swift, quiet, and orderly.

  28. Be as organized as possible.

  29. On a field trip, enter a public building quietly and compliment the place you are visiting.

  30. Follow along when we read together in class.

  31. Speak the TRUTH. In this classroom lies are abhorred. The truth is rewarded and with it comes reduced punishment as well as respect.

  32. Don’t walk slowly. “People that walk slow have nowhere to go.”

  33. Honor your character outside of school when using social media. Realize that nothing is ever really gone once it has been posted.

  34. When a substitute is present, all class rules still apply.

  35. On a bus, always face forward.

  36. When offered food, take only your fair share.

  37. Don’t expect to have a girlfriend or boyfriend in 6th grade. You are dating EDUCATION, and she’s quite demanding and jealous.

  38. Be a FRIEND to get a friend.

  39. If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up.

  40. Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them.

  41. If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault.

  42. Maintain the school’s environment by never leaving crumbs or clothes on the floor.

  43. Do not whine or complain.

  44. Show APPRECIATION for the things you have been given by not leaving them on the floor, in classrooms, etc.

  45. Stand together against bullies. Never tolerate it at our school, and let it be known, loud and clear, when you are unhappy with treatment that you witness.

  46. Don’t make noise when you are in the hallway or take the stairs. Studies show that intelligent people make less noise when they step. Glide like a gazelle; don’t stomp like a wildebeest.

  47. Don’t ask for or expect a reward for hard work. The reward is that you are being educated.

  48. Seek to know your teachers and staff members better. You are responsible for developing the student-teacher bond as well.

  49. Uplift others and seek to make the world a better place. EMBRACE SERVICE.

  50. Realize it’s not all about you.

  51. Live so that you will never have regrets.

  52. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

  53. No matter the circumstances, always be honest.

  54. Carpe Diem!

  55. Be the best person you can be.