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Adrian Mikhalchishin GM

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - 1e4 e5 - An active repertoire for Black

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Arkhangelsk

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Bishop Against Knight in 60 Min

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Critical moments in chess in 60 min

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Decision Making in Chess

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Fighting the Grunfeld with g3 in 60 min

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Modern trend — The strategical opening exchange sacrifice in 60 min

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Pawns structures you should know

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Play the King's Indian Defence with g3 in 60 minutes - SDVL

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Power of Planning and Majority

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.1 - The Central Approach

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.2 - Prevention and Preparation

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.3 - Pawn Sacrifice

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.4 - The Technique Of Realising The Win

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Strategy University Vol.5 - Winning Methods of Great Players

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Beliavsky Plan Against the Stonewall Dutch

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The King in the center in 60min

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Power of Exchange

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - The Secret Weapons of the Champions

Adrian Mikhalchishin GM - Winning Structures

Alejandro Ramirez

Alejandro Ramirez - Attacking with the Benko Gambit Part 2

Alejandro Ramirez - Attacking with the Benko Part 1

Alejandro Ramirez - The Ragozin Defense

Alejandro Ramirez - The Reti - A Flexible Attacking Opening

Alejandro Ramirez - The Sicilian Tajmanov-Scheveningen

Alex Colovic GM

Alex Colovic GM - QGD - The Reti, Kia, and others

Alex Colovic GM - Queen’s Gambit Declined - A Grandmaster Explains

Alexei Shirov GM

Alexei Shirov GM - Beating the Berlin Defense

Alexei Shirov GM - Endgame Fireworks

Alexei Shirov GM - Fascinated by the French Winawer in 60 minutes

Alexei Shirov GM - Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Caro-Kann

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Grünfeld

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the King's Indian

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Nimzo-Indian

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Petroff Defense

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Sicilian

Alexei Shirov GM - My best games in the Sicilian Najdorf

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Slav and Semi-Slav

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Spanish Vol. 3

Alexei Shirov GM - My Best Games in the Sveshnikov

Alexei Shirov GM - My best games with Black

Alexei Shirov GM - Najdorf with 6.Bg5

Alexei Shirov GM - Sicilian with 3.Bb5

Alexei Shirov GM - Spanish Vol.1

Alexei Shirov GM - Spanish Vol.2

Alexei Shirov GM - The Advance Caro-Kann (2nd Edition)

Alexei Shirov GM - The Philidor Defence

Alexei Shirov GM - The Slav and Semi-Slav Revisited

Andrew Martin IM

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Alekhine 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Anti-Dutch

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Benko Gambit - 1st Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Benko Gambit - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Bogo Indian

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Budapest Gambit

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Caro-Kann

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Chess Openings - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Classical Dutch

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Czech Benoni

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Evans Gambit

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the King‘s Indian Defence - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Leningrad Dutch

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Modern Benoni

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Modern Slav - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Ruy Lopez - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Scandinavian - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Sicilian Dragon

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Trompowsky - 2nd Edition

Andrew Martin IM - ABC of the Vienna

Andrew Martin IM - A Dangerous Anti-Sicilian 3.g3

Andrew Martin IM - A Waiting Game in the Queen_s Indian 7...Na6 in 60min

Andrew Martin IM - Beating the French according to Kupreichik in 60 minutes

Andrew Martin IM - Enter 1.F4 (Bird's Opening)

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps In Attack

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps in Chess Strategy

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps in Chess Technique

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps in Defence

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps in Endgames

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps in Gambits and Sacrifices

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps In Opening Play

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps In Pawn Structures

Andrew Martin IM - First Steps in Positional Play

Andrew Martin IM - Play 6.Bg5 in the Saemisch variation in 60 min

Andrew Martin IM - Spanish Exchange Variation

Andrew Martin IM - Systems against Queen's Pawn Openings

Andrew Martin IM - The Budapest Gambit

Andrew Martin IM - The Kasparov Gambit in 60 minutes

Andrew Martin IM - The Open Ruy Lopez

Andrew Martin IM - The Queens Gambit Declined

Andrew Martin IM - The Two Knights - A tricky repertoire for White in 60 min

Andrew Martin IM - The wicked Veresov Attack

Ari Ziegler IM

Ari Ziegler IM - French Reportoire for Black

Ari Ziegler IM - Modern Benoni

Ari Ziegler IM - The Art of the Exchange Sacrifice

Avetik Grigoryan GM

Avetik Grigoryan GM - 100 Must-Know Classical Chess Games

Avetik Grigoryan GM - Crushing d4 Sidelines

Avetik Grigoryan GM - Czech Pirc (HB)

Bryan Smith GM

Bryan Smith GM - The 4 Pillars of Chess Strength

Bryan Smith GM - The Reti Opening with 2..d4

Daniel Barrish FM

Daniel Barrish FM - The Pricipled Queen's Gambit Part 1

Daniel Barrish FM - The Principled Queen's Gambit Part 2 Video Series

Daniel King GM

Daniel King GM - Power Play 1 - Mating Patterns

Daniel King GM - Power Play 2 - Attacking The King

Daniel King GM - Power Play 3 - Pawn Storm

Daniel King GM - Power Play 4 - Start Right

Daniel King GM - Power Play 5 - Pawns

Daniel King GM - Power Play 6 - Pawns, Pieces, Plans

Daniel King GM - Power Play 7 - Improve Your Pieces

Daniel King GM - Power Play 8 - Knights and Bishops

Daniel King GM - Power Play 9 - Major Pieces vs. Minor Pieces

Daniel King GM - Power Play 10 - Calculation

Daniel King GM - Power Play 11 - Defence

Daniel King GM - Power Play 12 - The Hedgehog

Daniel King GM - Power Play 13 - The Squeeze

Daniel King GM - Power Play 14 - Test Your Tactics

Daniel King GM - Power Play 15 - Practical Pawn Endgames

Daniel King GM - Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames

Daniel King GM - Power Play 17 - Attack with 1.e4

Daniel King GM - Power Play 18 - The Sicilian Najdorf - a repertoire for Black

Daniel King GM - Power Play 19 - Attack with 1.e4 - Part 2

Daniel King GM - Power Play 20 - Test Your Attacking Chess

Daniel King GM - Power Play 21 - A repertoire for black against the Anti-Sicilians

Daniel King GM - Powerplay 22 - A Repertoire for Black with the French Defence

Daniel King GM - Power Play 23 - A Repertoire For Black With the Queen's Gambit Declined

Daniel King GM - Power Play 24 - A Repertoire For Black Against the Catalan

Daniel King GM - Power Play 25 Popular Queen’s Pawn Openings – A Repertoire For Black

David Fitzsimons IM

David Fitzsimons IM - Complete Rapid and Blitz Repertoire for Black

David Fitzsimons IM - Complete Rapid and Blitz Repertoire for White

Dejan Bojkov GM

Dejan Bojkov GM - Attacking with the Pirc

Dejan Bojkov GM - Chess Highways

Dejan Bojkov GM - King's Indian with Na6

Dejan Bojkov GM - Meeting the Alekhine — The Classical Way in 60min

Dejan Bojkov GM - Meeting the Pirc Defence - The Classical Way!

Dejan Bojkov GM - Meeting the Pirc Defence - The classical way in 60 minutes

Dejan Bojkov GM - Meet the English Opening in 60 Minutes

Dejan Bojkov GM - No Need to Fear the Qd6 Scandinavian in 60 min

Dejan Bojkov GM - The English Defence

Dejan Bojkov GM - The true value of pieces

Dejan Bojkov GM - Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov

Dejan Bojkov GM - Unorthodox against the French Winawer in 60 min

Efstratios Grivas GM

Efstratios Grivas GM - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol.1 - Unexpected Tactics

Efstratios Grivas GM - Chess Expertise Step By Step Vol.2 - Mastering Strategy

Efstratios Grivas GM - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol.3 - Rook Handling

Efstratios Grivas GM - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol.4 Endgame Magic

Empire Chess Collection

Empire Chess Collection - EC17

Empire Chess Collection - EC19

Empire Chess Collection - EC62 - Beating The Slav With 7.g4! Gambit - Timur Gareev

Empire Chess Collection - EC88 - Dominating 1.d4 with the King_s Indian Defense

Erwin L'Ami

Erwin L'Ami - A Gambit Guide through the Open Game Vol. 1

Erwin L'Ami - A Gambit Guide through the Open Game Vol. 2

Erwin L'Ami - The beasty Botvinnik Variation in the Semi-Slav

Erwin L'Ami - The Benko Gambit Explained (2020)

Erwin L'Ami - The Dubov Tarrasch - Chessable

Erwin L'Ami - The Dutch Stonewall

Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov - How I became World Champion

Garry Kasparov - How to Play the Najdorf Vol.1

Garry Kasparov - How to Play the Najdorf Vol.2

Garry Kasparov - How to Play the Najdorf Vol.3

Garry Kasparov - How to Play the Queen's Gambit

Henrik Danielsen

Henrik Danielsen - A Clear Program to Fight the Panov Attack in 60min

Henrik Danielsen - An effective way of meeting the 6 Ne5 Slav in 60 min

Henrik Danielsen - No need to fear the Slav Exchange Variation in 60 min

Henrik Danielsen - Pressing straight away-The London System in 60 min

Henrik Danielsen - The Benko Gambit with g3 SDVL in 60 min

Henrik Danielsen - The Slav Against the Reti in 60min

Igor Smirnov GM

Igor Smirnov - 7 KEYS TO VICTORY

Igor Smirnov - An Endgame Expert — Endgame Chess Course

Igor Smirnov - Calculate TillMate (Efficient Calculation Techniques)

Igor Smirnov - Crushing the King

Igor Smirnov - Defending Champion

Igor Smirnov - Grandmasters Opening Laboratory — Chess Openings Course

Igor Smirnov - Grandmaster Secrets – Beginner Chess Course

Igor Smirnov - How to Beat Titled Players - Intermediate Advanced Course

Igor Smirnov - How to Play Chess with Black Pieces (Nimzo-Indian Defense)

Igor Smirnov - Mastering the Middlegame in Kasparov’s Style

Igor Smirnov - Master the Grunfeld Defense as Black with Alex Ipatov

Igor Smirnov - Mikhail Tals MAGIC REVEALED

Igor Smirnov - My Thinking System

Igor Smirnov - Play Like Fischer

Igor Smirnov - Quick Success in Chess!

Igor Smirnov - Self Taught Grandmaster

Igor Smirnov - The GMs Positional Understanding

Igor Smirnov - The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory 2

Igor Smirnov - Think plan and win chess-seminar

Igor Smirnov - Unlocking the GMs Mind first edition by Maxim Dlugy-tiny

Igor Smirnov - Winning The Middlegame

Igor Smirnov - Your Winning Plan

Jacob Aagaard GM

Jacob Aagaard GM - Attacking Chess vol 1 and 2

Jacob Aagaard GM - Basic Positional Ideas

Jacob Aagaard GM - Queen‘s Indian Defence - The easy way

Jacob Aagaard GM - The Nimzoindian Defence - The easy way

Jan Gustafsson GM - A Repertoire against 1.Nf3, 1.c4 and 1.g3

Jan Gustafsson GM - Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 1 The Marshall Attack

Jan Gustafsson GM - Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 2 - The Open Games

Jan Gustafsson GM - Blackside - Repertoire Fighting the Italian

Jan Gustafsson GM - Repertoire 4.Qc2 Against the Nimzo-Indian

Jan Gustafsson GM - Whiteside - Repertoire Fighting the Italian

Karsten Muller GM

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 1 - Basic knowledge for beginners

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 2 - Rook Endgames

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 3 - Major piece endgames

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 4 - Strategical Endgames

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 5 - Endgame Principles Activity Initiative

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 6 - Endgame Principles Domination _ Prophylaxis

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 7 - Endgame Principles Weaknesses Fortresses

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 8 - Practical Rook Endgames

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 9 - Rook and Minor Piece

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 10 - Rook and two minor pieces

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 11 - Rook against Bishop

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 13 - Double rook endings

Karsten Muller GM - Chess Endgames 14 - The golden guidelines of endgame play

Karsten Muller GM - Endgames of the World Champions

Karsten Müller GM & FM Claus Dieter Meyer - Magic of Chess Tactics

Karsten Müller GM & FM Claus Dieter Meyer - Magic of Chess Tactics 2

Karsten Müller GM, Stefan Becker - Ask the pieces

Karsten Müller GM - Endgames of the World Champions Vol. 2 - from Steinitz to Spassky

Lawrence Trent IM

Lawrence Trent IM - The Modern Grand Prix Attack

Lawrence Trent IM - The Sicilian Gashimov Variation in 60 mins

Lawrence Trent IM - The Smith-Morra Gambit

Lawrence Trent IM - The Two Knight‘s Defence

Lawrence Trent IM - Winning with the Fantasy Variation in 60 minutes

Leonid Kritz GM

Leonid Kritz GM - Being Safe With the Berlin Defence in 60 Minutes

Leonid Kritz GM - Countering with the Chebanenko Slav

Leonid Kritz GM - Play it safe Play the Petroff

Leonid Kritz GM - Safe and active with the Dutch Stonewall in 60 min

Lifetime Repertoires

Lifetime Repertoires - Black vs the English, Reti and Sidelines - GM Sam Shankland

Lifetime Repertoires - Pirc Defense - IM Christof Sielecki

Lifetime Repertoires - S. P. Sethuraman GM 1.e4 e5

Lifetime Repertoires - Sam Shankland_s 1. d4 - Part 1 Sidelines - GM Sam Shankland

Lifetime Repertoires - Sam Shankland_s 1. d4 - Part 2 - GM Sam Shankland

Lifetime Repertoires - Sam Shankland_s 1.d4 - Part 3 - GM Sam Shankland

Lifetime Repertoires - The Nimzo-Ragozin chessable - Chrostof Sielecki IM

Loek van Wely GM

Loek van Wely GM - An Anti Sicilian Repertoire in 60 min

Loek van Wely GM - Fighting Against The Kings Indian in 60min

Loek van Wely GM - Play the Sicilian Najdorf in 60 min.

Loek van Wely GM - The Botvinnik and Moscow Variation - Slav

Loek van Wely GM - The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian

Lorin D'Costa & Nick Murphy

Lorin D'Costa & Nick Murphy - A Repertoire Against The Sicilian

Lorin D'Costa & Nick Murphy - Queen's Gambit Declined

Lorin D'Costa & Nick Murphy - The Giuoco Piano

Lorin D'Costa - ABC of the English Opening - A Complete Repertoire For White

Lubomir Ftacnik GM

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - 1.d4 A Classical Repertoire for White

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - 1.Nf3 A variable Repertoire for White

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - An ambitious setup against the Benoni in 60min

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - Tactic Toolbox - Scheveningen

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - The English Hedgehog Defence

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - The Grunfeld Defence

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - The Grünfeld Main Line in 60min

Lubomir Ftacnik GM - The Scheveningen Sicilian

Mariah Petrov GM - The PIRC

Mariah Petrov GM - The PIRC

Marian Petrov GM - Caro-Kann Defense - Karpov's Repertoire

Marian Petrov GM - Dutch

Marian Petrov GM - Kill The Dutch

Marian Petrov GM - Opening Mastery - Dominate with 1.d4

Marian Petrov GM - Sicilian Najdorf Kasparov's Repertoire

Marian Petrov GM - The King’s Indian Defense Mastermind

Marian Petrov GM - The Semi-Slav (OOPS version)

Mark Dvoretsky IM and GM Jan Gustafsson

Mark Dvoretsky IM and GM Jan Gustafsson - Calculation with Dvoretsky

Mark Dvoretsky IM and GM Jan Gustafsson - Endgames with Endgames

Mark Dvoretsky IM and GM Jan Gustafsson - The Stonewall

Mesgen Amanov GM

Mesgen Amanov GM - (white) 1.d4 Additional Openings

Mesgen Amanov GM - 1...d5 - Complete Opening Repertoire For Black Against 1.d4

Mesgen Amanov GM - Opening Repertoire For Black 1..c5 Sicilian Defense

Mihail Marin GM

Mihail Marin GM - Anti Bayonet Attack - In the King_s Indian in 60 minutes

Mihail Marin GM - Leningrad Dutch

Mihail Marin GM - Marin's English Love Vol.2 - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4)

Mihail Marin GM - Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 1 Positional lines

Mihail Marin GM - Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 2 Attacking lines

Mihail Marin GM - Power Strategy 1 - From The Opening To The Middlegame

Mihail Marin GM - Power Strategy 2 - The Middlegame - Static Positions

Mihail Marin GM - Semi-Tarrasch - A universal weapon against 1.d4

Mihail Marin GM - Tactic Toolbox Benoni

Mihail Marin GM - The Classical Sicilian

Mihail Marin GM - Win against the Grunfeld

Mihail Marin GM - Winning against King's Indian - With the main line

Mihail Marin GM - Winning against the Grunfeld

Mihail Marin GM - Winning Against The Grünfeld v2

Nicholas Pert GM

Nicholas Pert GM - Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 2 2019

Nicholas Pert GM - A Black Repertoire Against Off beat Openings

Nicholas Pert GM - A Complete Black Repertoire versus the English, 1...e5

Nicholas Pert GM - An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 2

Nicholas Pert GM - An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 3

Nicholas Pert GM - An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 3

Nicholas Pert GM - Attacking Repertoire with 1 d4 Vol 1

Nicholas Pert GM - CBFT - The Aggressive Classical Dutch for Black - Nicholas Pert

Nicholas Pert GM - French Defence For Tournament Player

Nicholas Pert GM - Solid And Safe Against The Wild Indians - Play The Fianchetto

Nicholas Pert GM - The Kalashnikov

Nicholas Pert GM - The Solid Slav Defens

Nigel Davies GM

Nigel Davies GM - 1...d6 Universal

Nigel Davies GM - 1...e6 A Solid Repertoire against 1.d4 and 1.e4

Nigel Davies GM - 1.e4 for the Creative Attacker

Nigel Davies GM - A Busy Person_s Opening System

Nigel Davies GM - Attack with the Modern Italian

Nigel Davies GM - Bamboozle Your Opponents with 1.g3!

Nigel Davies GM - Build a 1.d4 repertoire

Nigel Davies GM - Chess for Scoundrels

Nigel Davies GM - Classical Steinitz French With 5.Nf3 in 60min

Nigel Davies GM - French Defence Strategy

Nigel Davies GM - How to Beat Younger Players

Nigel Davies GM - King's Indian Attack

Nigel Davies GM - Play the exchange variation against the Caro-Kann in 60 min

Nigel Davies GM - Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange Variation

Nigel Davies GM - The Accelerated Dragon

Nigel Davies GM - The Accelerated London with 2.Bf4

Nigel Davies GM - The Closed Sicilian

Nigel Davies GM - The Colle System

Nigel Davies GM - The English Opening

Nigel Davies GM - The f4 sicilian

Nigel Davies GM - The London System

Nigel Davies GM - The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack

Nigel Davies GM - The Pirc Defence

Nigel Davies GM - The Scotch Game

Nigel Davies GM - The Tarrasch Defence

Nigel Davies GM - The Torre Attack

Nigel Davies GM - The Vienna with 3.f4

Nigel Davies GM - Tricks and Traps Vol.1 - 1.e4 Openings

Nigel Davies GM - Tricks and Traps Vol.2 - 1.d4 Openings

Nigel Davies GM - Tricks and Traps Vol.3 - In the Flank Openings

Peter Heine Nielsen GM

Peter Heine Nielsen GM - The Semi Slav

Peter Heine Nielsen GM - The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1 - Main Line with 9.Bc4

Peter Heine Nielsen GM - The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2 - All Lines except 9.Bc4

Robert Ris IM

Robert Ris IM - Attacking the Semi-Slav with g3 in 60 min

Robert Ris IM - Repertoire Against Queen's Gambit Declined

Robert Ris IM - Tactic Toolbox - Meran variation

Robert Ris IM - Tactic Toolbox - Semi-Slav With 5.Bg5

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Albin's Counter-Gambit for Experts

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian Defence

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian Defence - 2nd Edition

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Beating The French Vol.1

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Beating The French Vol.2

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Beating The French Vol.3

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Beat The Slav The Classical Way in 60min

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Endgames for experts

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Expert Strategy in the Endgame

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Strategy Step by Step

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - The Anti-Moscow Gambit for Experts

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - The Classical French - Main Line

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - The Path to Tactical Strength

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - The Power of Tactics

Rustam Kasimdzhanov GM - Trends In The Modern Openings

Sam Collins IM

Sam Collins IM - 1.e4 Repertoire

Sam Collins IM - Know the Terrain Vol. 1 - The Carlsbad Structure

Sam Collins IM - Know the Terrain Vol. 2 - The Capablanca Structure

Sam Collins IM - Know the Terrain Vol. 3 - Central Majority

Sam Collins IM - Know the terrain Vol. 4 - The French Advance Structure

Sam Collins IM - Know the Terrain Vol. 5 - The Philidor Structure

Sam Collins IM - Know the Terrain Vol. 6 - Isolated Queen's Pawn

Sam Collins IM - Learn from the Open Games

Sam Collins IM - Open Games with ...Bc5

Sam Collins IM - Queen's Gambit Declined - A repertoire for Black based on the Lasker Variation

Sam Collins IM - Tactic Toolbox - Ruy Lopez

Sam Collins IM - The Korchnoi Gambit against the French in 60 min

Sam Collins IM - The Queens Gambit Accepted - A Repertoire For Black

Sam Collins IM - The Spanish Fianchetto

Sam Shankland GM

Sam Shankland GM - Chessable - Lifetime Repertoires - Semi-Slav (2020)

Sam Shankland GM - The Botvinnik Variation

Sergei Tiviakov GM

Sergei Tiviakov GM - A Nightmare for the Najdorf

Sergei Tiviakov GM - Attacking With the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez

Sergei Tiviakov GM - How To Combat Rare Lines As Black

Sergei Tiviakov GM - Learning from the World Champions

Sergei Tiviakov GM - No fear of 1 d4 Vol 1 - Queen's Indian and Catalan

Sergei Tiviakov GM - No fear of 1 d4 Vol 2 - Nimzo-Indian

Sergei Tiviakov GM - Scandinavian With 3…Qd6

Sergei Tiviakov GM - The Alapin Variation - Sicilian 2.c3

Sergei Tiviakov GM - The Bishop's Opening and the Italian Game

Sergei Tiviakov GM - The French Defence With 3.Nd2

Sergei Tiviakov GM - The Maroczy System - against Accelerated Dragon

Sergei Tiviakov GM - Tiviakov Queens Indian Defence

Simon Williams GM

Simon Williams GM - 1.e4 e5 Club Player' Dynamite

Simon Williams GM - A dynamic weapon against QGD 5 Bf4

Simon Williams GM - Killer d4 Vol 1-2

Simon Williams GM - Killer Dutch

Simon Williams GM - King's Gambit Vol 1

Simon Williams GM - King's Gambit Vol 2

Simon Williams GM - Most amazing moves

Simon Williams GM - Simple but powerful - Exchange on d5 in the Slav and Queens Gambit

Simon Williams GM - The Black Lion - an aggressive version of the Philidor Defense

Simon Williams GM - The English Opening vol. 1

Simon Williams GM - The English Opening vol. 2

Valeri Lilov IM

Valeri Lilov IM - Attacking a king which has castled short

Valeri Lilov IM - Castled long – Attacking The King

Valeri Lilov IM - Flank Attacks

Valeri Lilov IM - Gambit Opening Repertoire

Valeri Lilov IM - How to fight Queen's Pawn Openigns

Valeri Lilov IM - Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

Valeri Lilov IM - Practical English Complete System For White

Valeri Lilov IM - Queens Gambit Accepted

Valeri Lilov IM - Secret weapon - 4 Knights Defence

Valeri Lilov IM - The Austrian Attack against the Pric Defence - 60 minutes

Valeri Lilov IM - The Botvinnik System in the English opening — 60 min

Valeri Lilov IM - The Dutch Stonewall

Valeri Lilov IM - The Queen's Gambit Accepted

Valeri Lilov IM - The Sicilian Kan Variation

Valeri Lilov IM - Unorthodox Openings

Varuzhan Akobian GM

Varuzhan Akobian GM - Mastering Endgame Technique

Varuzhan Akobian GM - Mastering the Middlegame

Varuzhan Akobian GM - Modern Instructive Games


VECO – Vol#1 The English Opening - Mihail Marin GM

VECO – Vol#2 - The Nimzo-Indian Defense - GM Damian Lemos & GM Eugene Perelshteyn

VECO – Vol#3 - The King’s Indian Defense

VECO – Vol#4 - The Open Catalan

VECO – Vol#6 - The Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk Variation - GM Robert Ristiny

Victor Bologan GM

Victor Bologan GM - Beating the Sicilian - Grandmaster Bologan_s Repertoire Vol.1

Victor Bologan GM - Beating the Sicilian - Grandmaster Bologan_s Repertoire Vol.2

Victor Bologan GM - Beating the Sicilian - Grandmaster Bologan_s Repertoire Vol.3

Victor Bologan GM - Caro-Kann Advance Variation

Victor Bologan GM - English 1.c4 c5 for Black

Victor Bologan GM - English 1.c4 e5 for Black

Victor Bologan GM - Fit for the French

Victor Bologan GM - How to tame the Alekhine, Scandinavian and Pirc

Victor Bologan GM - King's Indian - A Modern Approach

Victor Bologan GM - Never too late for the Nimzo-Indian

Victor Bologan GM - The Berlin Wall - variation in Spaish

Victor Bologan GM - The Caro-Kann Defence

Victor Bologan GM - The Catalan A complete repertoire for White!

Victor Bologan GM - The Chebanenko - Still improved - in Slav Defence

Victor Bologan GM - The Fighting Philidor

Victor Bologan GM - The King's Indian

Victor Bologan GM - The Modern Pirc

Victor Bologan GM - The Queen's Indian Defense

Victor Bologan GM - The Sicilan Rossolimo for White

Victor Bologan GM - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 1 Berlin Wall and others

Victor Bologan GM - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 2 Steinitz, Anti-Marshall, Open Co

Victor Bologan GM - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 3 Main Variations

Yannick Pelletier

Yannick Pelletier - Anti-London System

Yannick Pelletier - Anti-London System V2

Yannick Pelletier - The Edgehog A Universal System again 1.c4 and 1.Nf3

Yuriy Krykun FM

Yuriy Krykun FM - 1.d4 Practical Repertoire for White

Yuriy Krykun FM - Fighting 1.e4 Complete Repertoire for Black

Yuriy Krykun FM - Unleash The Bull

Boris Avrukh GM - Sabotage the Slav (Tiny)

Charlie Storey FM - The Sniper

Dan Heisman NM - Highly Instructive Games

Daniel Gormally GM - English Attack (SDVL)

Elisabeth Pähtz - How To Play The Sicilian Defence (SDVL)

Eric Rosen IM - Aggressive Repertoire Against 1.e4

Fabien Libiszewski GM - Libiszewski’s Pirc & Modern

Georgios Souleidis - The Open Games - A Detailed Overview (SDVL)

GM Marian Petrov - Grunfeld Mastermind (Tiny)

Ivan Salgado GM - Fighting the Anti-Sicilians

Ivan Saric GM - A New Look at the Italian

Jacek Stopa GM - Dutch Defense for Club Players

Kamil Plichta FM - Anti Anti-Sicilians Video Series (Tiny)

Kamil Plichta FM - Too Hot To Handle - The King’s Indian Defense

Lemos GM - Deep Dive Collection

Leon Ivaic IM - Dismantling King's Indian Razor - Sharp Makagonov

Lopez Alex Astaneh IM, Steil-Antoni Fiona - The Dynamic Caro-Kann

Marko Makaj FM - Fighting The KID-1

Marko Makaj GM - The Fighting Sicilian - A complete repertoire vs 1.e4

Michal Krasenkow GM - Tactic Toolbox - Gruenfeld (SDVL)

Michal Krasenkow GM - The Triangle Setup - A Complete Defense Against 1.d4 (SDVL)

Milovan Ratkovic IM - King’s Indian Defense Opening Lab

Neustroev FM and GM Bocharov - Beating English with Black Opening - TCW

Niclas Huschenbeth GM - Play Against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 - A Repertoire for Black

Niclas Huschenbeth GM - Tactic Toolbox Najdorf (SDVL)

NICO ZWIRS & ROELAND PRUIJSSERS - How to slay the Sicilian Vol.1 - 2...d6

Parimarjan Negi - The Modern Scotch Opening (SDVL)

Pavel Eljanov GM - The Ruy Lopez Breyer Variation (SDVL)

Peter Svidler GM - Svidler’s Archangels

Peter Svidler GM - The Grunfled According to Svidler

Peter Wells GM - Strategy and Tactics (SDVL)

Robin van Kampen GM - Cutting Edge King's Indian Defense

Roeland Pruijssers GM - The Dutch - Blackside

Sopiko Guramishvi IM - f3Against the Nimzo-Indian

Sopiko Guramishvili IM - QGA

The Scotch

Tiger Hillarp Persson GM - Tiger on the Modern

Timur Gareyev GM - Developing the initiative in 60 min (SDVL)

Victor Kortchnoi GM - My Life for Chess Vol 1-2 (SDVL)

Viktor Neustroev CM - Complete Semi-Slav - Diamond-Extras

Viktor Neustroev NM - Beating 1.Nf3– Opening Lab

Vjekoslav Nemec CM - The Modern Defenece Against Everything (Tiny)

William Paschall IM - THE BLUMENFELD GAMBIT Your Secret Weapon

Opening Encyclopaedia 2021

Milovan Ratkovic — Reti Opening Mastermind

Ginger GM Full Collection

Killer Dragon with GM Simon Williams (Vol 1 & 2)

80/20 Tactics Multiplier Mega Bundle

An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 1 – 3

Sam Shankland — Lifetime Repertoires Part 1 & 2

100 Must-Know Classical Chess Games

GM Iossif Dorfman and GM Jan Gustafsson — The Method in Chess

imon Williams — Accelerate Your Chess S $

GM Damian Lemos — Club Player’s Manifesto 2K

Power Play 28: Tactic Toolbox King’s Gambit

NM Viktor Neustroev — Sicilian Kan

GM Mesgen Amanov’s 1 — Year Program

Master Method Mega bundle 1-39

Polgar Chess University Bundles

Carlsen vs Caruana 2015-2018 – Gustafsson & Cuenca

International Chess School (ICS) Grandmaster Package

Chessbase Powerbook Package

The King’s Gambit — Power Play 27

Navigating the Ruy Lopez by Caruana Vol 1,2,3

GM Damian Lemos — Deep Dive Vol.18

GM Larry — Christiansen Attacking Chess 1-13

Chess24 Spanish/Español Mega Bundle

Yannick Pelletier — Anti-London System

Chess24 Videos Package

Opening Encyclopedia 2020

Opening Mastery – Dominate with 1.e4&1.d4

Power Play 1-26 CBFT Full Version

Yermolinsky I- CC Every Russian Schoolboy

GM Damian Lemos — Deep Dive Collection 1-17

The London System: Essential Theory

Pruijssers & Williams — The Leningrad Dutch

GM Igor Smirnov — ALL Chess Courses Package

The Fighting King’s Indian Defense

Opening Encyclopedia 2019

Fight Like Magnus: The Sicilian


Romans Lab Mega Bundle 1-113


Chess.com Videos 2019 Full Archive

Chess.com Videos 2018 Full Archive

Chess.com Videos 2017 Full Archive

GM Seirawan & IM Silman — Winning Chess Strategies

Lifetime Repertoires: Sam Shankland’s Part 1 & 2


Opening Encyclopaedia 2021

An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 1 – 3

Fritz Powerbook 2021

Mega Database 2021 & ChessBase 16

Power Play 28: Tactic Toolbox King’s Gambit

Chessbase Powerbook Package

Power Play 27: The King’s Gambit

Ruy Lopez by Caruana — Navigating the Vol 1,2,3

Yannick Pelletier — Anti-London System

Mega Database 2020 & ChessBase 15

Opening Encyclopedia 2020

Power Play 1-26 CBFT Full Version

Opening Encyclopedia 2019

Swiss Manager Installation Code Full Version

Fritz 17



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