
You may feel stuck, unclear, not supported, or that you have more to give to develop the leadership intelligence needed to step higher in your career or small business. I am here to help!

Elite Leadership Coaching by Andrea serves you in developing and living in a compelling career or small business that increases your influence, income, position, performance and profits.

While receiving accolades, awards, and making impact in leadership positions all over the U.S., I had a nagging sense of feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and, most of all, that I could do more. In addition, I was not always surrounded by leaders that were honest, trustworthy, appreciative, or interested in helping me to become a better leader. So I decided to take things into my own hands! I began to figure out ways to work on my confidence, professional presence, and leadership skills. I took the initiative to apply for a leadership program that was offered by an employer. I was doubtful I would be accepted because I was so young in my career and didn't have a lot of work experience, but I was! And things began to change for me because I decided to take what I learned and apply it each day I showed up for work. It wasn't always easy. Sometimes, I wanted to do what everyone else was doing, but I kept my eye on my goal of rising to an executive level position in my career. And, over time, I did! And I became THE person people came to for leadership coaching, support, advice, resources, and accountability.

My career has afforded me several successful high level leadership opportunities including starting a consulting company that generated six figures; and serving as a Director of Training for a statewide nonprofit, a Program Consultant for Georgia's Division of Public Health overseeing 18 Public Health Districts, a Project Director for a Centers for Disease Control grant funded project in three large U.S. metropolitan cities, and as Director of Organizational Development for a large county health department (over 500 agency employees and overseeing a department budget of $1.1M).

A leadership development program I developed was selected as a Promising Practice by the National Association of County and City Health Officials. I was twice awarded the 7C's Award by the the Georgia Division of Public Health's Family Health Branch for consistent demonstration of communication, coordination, community, collaboration, competence, cooperation, and commitment. I have also been recognized as a Georgia Department of Human Resources “Right Way, Right Work” Customer Service nominee.

With over 20 years of business and entrepreneurial experience, I have successfully worked with professionals small businesses across the United States through 1:1 coaching, workshops, and keynote presentations to increase their leadership intelligence, influence, income, position, performance, and profits! I have a bachelor's degree in Health Administration and a master's degree in Organizational Management.

People and Things I Love!

Mom of 2 awesome young men!

Our family loves basketball!

Muffin - The Office Dog