
My name is Elisa Rottner and I am an economist working on environmental and climate economics. As an applied econometrician, most of my work aims at detecting the causal effects of climate policies on manufacturing firms. Aside from ex-post policy evaluation, my interest lies in the intersection between trade and the environment. I have particular expertise in working with administrative micro-data, specifically the German Manufacturing Census.

I am a researcher at the ZEW - Leibniz-Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim, Germany. I obtained my PhD from the University of Basel, Switzerland, in December 2023.

Upcoming and recent talks

07/2024 Presentation at the EAERE Conference, Leuven, Belgium

06/2024 Presentation at the SURED conference, Ascona, Switzerland

05/2024 Presentation at the AERE Summer Conference, Washington DC, US

05/2024 Presentation at the Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment, Mannheim, Germany

03/2024 Presentation at the CEPR-NBB Research Workshop on Reaching Net-Zero: Electricity Markets, Carbon Pricing, and Firms' Responses, Brussels, Belgium


01/2024 Published an updated version of our paper on the effects of rising electricity prices in manufacturing (available here). The plagiarism software only deteceted a resemblance of 51% with the earlier version, so it is definitely worthwhile checking it out again!

12/2023 Finishing the year by publishing two more discussion papers! See here and here if you are interested in the relationship between climate policies, trade, and industrial emissions.

12/2023 Successfully defended my PhD at the University of Basel!