Sisterhood of the Traveling Vibes

21 Day Fix

Want amazing results in 21 days? You get a step-by-step, 21-day plan so you succeed. Achieving your weight-loss goals has never been faster or simpler. Let's do this, ladies!

Here's what you'll get...

Fitness Accountability

Not only will you have access to our online library of at home workouts (more info below), you'll also have access to a community of women who are going through the same journey as you and who want to cheer you on and support you along the way!

Nutrition Plan

You will get access to hundreds of recipes as well as access to the exact portion-controlled based system that I follow daily

Personalized Mentorship

You will have access to me daily for 1 to 1 check ins to help answer any questions, customize any plan if needed, celebrate your wins, and share daily doses of positivity to continue cheering you on! Think of me as your personal pocket cheerleader!

More info about the workouts...

500+ Online Streaming Videos

Meet our "Netflix" of Fitness. When you join us you'll have the option of a yearly membership to our online workout library, with everything from yoga, to lifting, to dance programs. Plus, access to our "Food Network" of Fitness including thousands of recipes and cooking videos.

THIS MONTH - 21 Day Fix

Follow the step-by-step plan for 21 days to reach your fitness goals.

7 days a week in 3 weeks

Check out the video to the left for more info!

PS these videos are shot IN REAL TIME which means that no two days will ever be alike. These REAL TIME videos have helped me feel more accountable AND feel more included in the group...I felt like I was a part of the cast!

My story...

In December 2017, I hit a 2nd wave of "rock bottom". The 1st wave hit me in April 2016 after feeling responsible for the end of a former dating experience. This event forced me to realize that I had severe insecurities and self-doubt. As a cherry on top, earlier that year I had just come out to my parents as being pansexual and so the religious guilt, suicidal thoughts, daily panic attacks, confusion, and anger that I had built up inside of me completely knocked me off my axis.

To cope with my anxiety and depression, I gave the middle finger to anyone or anything that made me feel "controlled". I dyed my hair ash platinum, got piercings, tattoos, moved to Brooklyn, got a new job, made new friends, and embraced my inner hippie. I turned to ideas, practices, mantras, self-help books, friends, and clothes that made me feel FREE. That's all I had been feel free from the dark thoughts that consumed me every day.

Let's revisit December 2017. At this point in time, I had been fully living the flower child lifestyle and I had given myself permission to do whatever made me feel happier...which included eating anything I damn well pleased. No regrets. Well, it wasn't until my friend and I went to The Great Gatsby party on that 2nd of December in NYC that I finally realized I had swung way too far to the left. Every single picture she was taking of me "weren't good enough"... and I'm usually someone who LOVES to be behind the camera. But I couldn't even look at myself. I was feeling disgust with how I "let myself go". At 4'11", every single inch counts. I was the heaviest I had ever been, which of course, started to take a toll on my self confidence and self esteem again.

So, my friend introduced me to BeachBody and I tested out a 1 week free program. After that week, I felt amazing... I felt balanced, satisfied, excited about the next steps, stronger, and - honestly - cleaner! My body literally felt like it had gone through a much needed cleanse. So after that week, I started the 21 Day Fix, and the rest is history. I've since lost 11 pounds and 16.5 inches of body fat. I have regained my self confidence, quieted the dark thoughts, felt stronger and more flexible than I've ever felt in my life, and so much more energetic. I'm now beyond passionate about sharing my story and sharing this life-changing opportunity with YOU!

I promise that I will not let you walk this journey alone. There is power in numbers. We're in this together! If you feel like you're ready, you can fill out the form below. I hope you give yourself this chance :)






Are you in?! Claim 1 of our 20 spots below