Dr Elisa Bandini

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Sciences, at The University of Zürich, Switzerland, as part of the Animal Behaviour Group. I work on understanding the effect of life history traits, development, learning, and experience on chimpanzee, capuchin and macaque cognition. My research is funded by The University of Zürich postdoc grant, the Suslowa postdoc fellowship, and The Einstein Foundation Award

Before moving to Zürich, I was a postdoc in the department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology at The University of Tübingen, Germany, working on the cognitive drivers of tool-use across human and non-human primates. My background is in archaeology (with a BA in archaeology from The University of Bristol, UK and an MSc from The University of Edinburgh, UK), however my work is inherently interdisciplinary, spanning the fields of archaeology, primatology, anthropology, primate archaeology, biology and psychology.