Elie Shamir: Figures in the landscape

Oxford Visit, 23-26 February 2018

Above: Mutual portrait with Maram Sirhan

Elie Shamir is a figurative painter of the landscapes and people of the rural interior of Northern Israel. These landscapes are inhabited by different ethnic groups and are charged with emotion and history. His depictions of the relations between people, the landscape and each other are highly evocative and also relate to the figurative legacy in painting. He will be making two presentations at Oxford towards the end of February 2018. He will be showing images of his paintings. The events are as follows:

Friday, 23 February 2018, 5.45pm at the Ashmolean Museum, Headley Lecture Room, Lower Ground Floor (near Cafe)

‘Contested Landscapes: Realist Paintings and their Meanings’

Artist Elie Shamir shows slides and discusses his oil paintings from rural Israel as divided into three concentric circles: himself, his community and the greater legacy of art and culture.

Entry £7/£6 concessions

Monday, 26 February 2018, 8.30pm at the Old Library, All Souls College.

‘Figure and Landscape in Israel: The Paintings of Elie Shamir’

An audio-visual presentation of his work.

With an appreciation by Benjamin Sullivan, painter of the renowned All Souls Triptych of college non-academic staff.

Inquiries to avner.offer@all-souls.ox.ac.uk. The artist’s website is elieshamir.com

All welcome. Free of charge