About Me


Welcome! My name is Eli. I successfully defended my thesis and obtained my PhD in mathematics at the University of Albany (UAlbany) in April of 2024. I won University at Albany’s 2023-2024 Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award, which is awarded to the best dissertation in any field in the College. In the summer of 2024, I will be starting a three-year a postdoctoral research associate position at the University of Utah. My advisors were Matthew Zaremsky (at UAlbany) and Jon Bannon (at Siena College). If you would like to get in contact with me, please do not hesitate to send an email to ebashwinger[at]albany[dot]edu

Here is my curriculum vitae. 

Research Interests: 

Very broadly, my interests lie in the overlap of  operator algebras and geometric group theory. More precisely, I study the operator algebras (von Neumann algebras and C^*-algebras) of certain important classes of groups commonly studied in geometric group theory (e.g., Thompson-like groups, Houghton-like groups) with the goal of providing interesting new examples to test conjectures, answer open problems concerned with the construction of examples with certain desired properties, etc. I am also interested in noncommutative (real) algebraic geometry, specifically when the *-algebra is taken to be the (real or complex) group algebra of a noncommutative group. Keywords: von Neumann algebras, McDuff factors, property gamma, C^*-algebras, C^*-simplicity, (inner) amenability, property (T), Haagerup property, proper proximality, generalized Thompson groups, cloning systems, self-similar groups, generalized Houghton groups, shift-similar groups, various forms of stability of groups, hyperlinearity, soficity, character theory and rigidity


Papers in the works:

Von Neumann algebras of Houghton-like groups

C*-algebras of Thompson-like groups from cloning systems

Conferences, Talks, and Presentations: