is the brainchild of a world leader in hobby electronics Futura Group srl. is devoted to support development, hacking and playing with electronics: we share exciting open projects and create amazing products!

The Articles you can find on Open Electonics are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Where not specified differently, design files and source code are instead provided according to a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.

Elettronica Open Source Pdf Download

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However, asammdf is not designed for visualization of CAN signals in your browser. For this purpose, see insteadour intro to telematicsdashboards, where we show how to use our MF4 Python API to set up free open source browser dashboards tovisualize your CAN data.

All source material and documentation will be made available through a GitHub repository upon the successful conclusion of this campaign. Links to this repo will be communicated to backers directly and will also able be made available on the campaign landing page, a campaign update page, and/or on a dedicated TinyNES website.

The basis for boat navigation is still the combination of a clock, a compass, and a paper chart (as well as a sextant on the open ocean). However, most modern cruising boats utilize some electrical tools to aid the process of running the boat. These typically come in form a chartplotter and a set of sensors to get things like GPS position, speed, and the water depth.

Being open source hackerspace people, that was obviously not the way we wanted to do things. Instead of getting locked into an expensive proprietary single-vendor marine instrumentation setup, we decided to roll our own using off-the-shelf IoT components. To serve as the heart of the system, we picked Signal K.

Signal K is first of all a specification on how marine instruments can exchange data. It also has an open source implementation in Node.js. This allows piping in data from all of the relevant marine data buses, as well as setting up custom data providers. Signal K then harmonizes the data, and makes it available both via modern web APIs, and in traditional NMEA formats. This enables instruments like chartplotters also to utilize the Signal K enriched data.

The project presented here is a PWM current driver for solenoids, Relays, and valves. The board will regulate the current with a well-controlled waveform to activate and reduce power dissipation at the same time. The solenoid current is ramped up fast to ensure the opening of the valve or relay. After the initial ramping, the solenoid current is kept at peak value to ensure the correct...

By using the Co-Browse feature, you are agreeing to allow a support representative from DigiKey to view your browser remotely. When the Co-Browse window opens, give the session ID that is located in the toolbar to the representative.

Utilizziamo caselle di posta individuali crittografate con la tua password. Il nostro servizio utilizza la crittografia a riposo (AES-256), la crittografia in transito (TLS) e procedure di sicurezza standard del settore. Siamo anche open source al 100% e attenti alla privacy. In qualsiasi momento puoi scaricare, visualizzare, esportare, eseguire il backup e/o eliminare le tue caselle di posta e migrarle facilmente da o verso un altro fornitore di servizi di posta elettronica .

Se superi il limite di spazio di archiviazione predefinito di 10 GB, puoi acquistare spazio di archiviazione aggiuntivo in base alle esigenze. Lo spazio di archiviazione aggiuntivo costa $ 3 al mese per ogni 10 GB aggiuntivi. Lo spazio di archiviazione  condiviso tra tutti i tuoi domini e alias, ma puoi imporre limiti, se lo desideri, in base al dominio e all'alias. A differenza di altri provider di posta elettronica, non  necessario pagare per l'archiviazione in base al dominio o all'alias. Puoi anche portare il tuo provider di archiviazione per i backup da utilizzare con il nostro servizio, come Amazon, Backblaze, Box, Cloudflare, Digital Ocean, Dropbox, SFTP, Google, Microsoft, Oracle o qualsiasi provider di archiviazione compatibile con S3. Ci significa che puoi possedere i tuoi dati e, cosa pi importante, non devi gestire e mantenere i tuoi server di posta elettronica .

Docker Mailserver  un'e-mail open source server per Kali Linux . La descrizione ufficiale dal suo sito web dice " docker-mailserver, o DMS in breve,  un server di posta fullstack pronto per la produzione ma semplice (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, antispam, antivirus, ecc.). "

Maddy Mail Server  un'e-mail open source server per Kali Linux . La descrizione ufficiale dal suo sito web dice " Maddy Mail Server implementa tutte le funzionalit necessarie per eseguire un server di posta elettronica. "

Mail-in-a-Box  un'e-mail open source server per Kali Linux . La descrizione ufficiale dal suo sito web dice " Riprendi il controllo della tua posta elettronica con questo server di posta in una scatola facile da implementare. "

Postfix  un'e-mail open source server per Kali Linux . La descrizione ufficiale dal suo sito web dice " Il server di posta di Wietse Venema  nato presso la ricerca IBM come alternativa al diffusissimo programma Sendmail. "

The first byte of each CEC frame is a header containing the 4-bit source and destination addresses. If the addressed destination exists, it acknowledges the byte. A frame consisting of nothing but the header is a ping which simply checks for the presence of another device.

The address 15 (1111) is used for the broadcast address (as a destination) and unregistered devices (as a source) which have not yet chosen a different address. Some devices do not need to receive non-broadcast messages and so may use address 15 permanently, notably remote control receivers and HDMI switches. Devices which need to receive addressed messages need their own address. A device obtains an address by attempting to ping it. If the ping is unacknowledged, the device claims it. If the ping is acknowledged, the device tries another address.

FatturaElettronica  una libreria open source per .NET che permette dileggere, scrivere, e convalidare offline la Fattura Elettronica secondole specifiche del sistema di interscambio della Pubblica AmministrazioneItaliana.

Fattura Elettronica  un progetto creato da Nicola Iarocci perGestionali Amica che lo ha rilasciato al pubblico con licenza opensource. Fattura Elettronica  libero, sviluppato in pubblico, ed apertoalla collaborazione di tutti.

Se usi FatturaElettronica.NET o qualcun altro dei miei progetti in unprodotto che genera profitto, buon senso vorrebbe che tu sponsorizzassi lamia attivit open source. Contribuiresti a far s che il progetto su cui sibasa il tuo prodotto rimanga sano, attivo, e mantenuto nel tempo. Avrestiinoltre, se lo desideri, un premio in visibilit per te o la tua azienda.Ogni singola sottoscrizione ha un impatto significante.

The open-source hardware statement of principles and definition were developed by members of the OSHWA board and working group along with others. These documents were originally edited on the wiki at, which you can visit to see endorsements of the definition and to add your own.

3. Necessary Software

If the licensed design requires software, embedded or otherwise, to operate properly and fulfill its essential functions, then the license may require that one of the following conditions are met:

a) The interfaces are sufficiently documented such that it could reasonably be considered straightforward to write open source software that allows the device to operate properly and fulfill its essential functions. For example, this may include the use of detailed signal timing diagrams or pseudocode to clearly illustrate the interface in operation.

b) The necessary software is released under an OSI-approved open source license.

11. License Must Not Restrict Other Hardware or Software

The license must not place restrictions on other items that are aggregated with the licensed work but not derivative of it. For example, the license must not insist that all other hardware sold with the licensed item be open source, nor that only open source software be used external to the device.


The signatories of this Open Source Hardware definition recognize that the open source movement represents only one way of sharing information. We encourage and support all forms of openness and collaboration, whether or not they fit this definition.

Una simpatica iniziativa ideata da Mattel ha spedito un giocattolo nella stratosfera, che  rientrato sano a salvo sulla terra grazie all'aiuto di un curioso mix di elettronica open source e telecamere di marca.

L'elettronica di bordo ha comunque svolto anche il ruolo di elemento riscaldante tramite la fisiologica dissipazione di potenza, che ha consentito di mantenere la discesa delle temperatura interna di Superman entro i -8 C.

Enterprise solutions offers revolutionary, digitally-managed ECAD workflows that are easily configurable to how you want to work. Elevate your design process to an entirely new level of innovation, efficiency and transparency and tackle your hardest challenges including time to market, cost of goods sold, reliability, sourceability, compliance and so much more at the point of impact. Learn More

Enterprise solutions enable digital management of workflow processes and resources. In creating a digital thread across domains and disciplines, companies establish traceability and interactivity, enabling all stakeholders to easily monitor status and performance.

FatturaElettronicaPA  un nuovo progetto open source che ho rilasciato qualche giorno fa assieme alla mia azienda. Si tratta di una libreria C# che permette di leggere, scrivere e convalidare le Fatture Elettroniche aderenti alle specifiche del sistema di interscambio della Pubblica Amministrazione. 2351a5e196

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