I am a postdoctoral researcher at DREES (Bureau Lutte contre l'exclusion) and the ESoPS Chair (Université Paris 1).  I defended my PhD at the Paris School of Economics and EHESS on November 15, 2024. 

My research focuses on the measurement of poverty in high-income countries. My first working paper, "Who Feels Poor? Transitions into Poverty and Subjective Well-Being", provides evidence of a meaningful monetary poverty threshold at 80% of the median income, which is consistent with individuals' well-being. 

More generally, I am interested in the determinants of poverty and extreme disadvantage, as well as the policy tools to combat these phenomena.

I am a member of the Scientific Committee of Conseil National des politiques de Lutte contre la pauvreté et l'Exclusion sociale (CNLE).

Contact me at eleonore-dot-richard-at-externes-dot-sante-dot-gouv-dot-fr