Research interests

My research interests are in Birational Geometry. In particular, I work over the field of the complex numbers, with projective varieties, smooth or with some mild singularities and mainly on the following subjects: Fano varieties, Mori Dream Spaces, Mori Program for divisors in Mori Dream Spaces, extremal contractions, with particular regard to fiber type contractions, cone of curves, relative cone of a contraction, and cone of divisors. I am also interested in torus actions on projective manifolds. In this context, I use tools from Birational Geometry to understand one dimensional torus actions on polarized pairs, given by complex smooth projective varieties together with positive line bundles. 

In my current research projects I am dealing with some classification problems in complex Algebraic Geometry, related to Fano 4-folds and varieties admitting one-dimensional torus actions. I am also interested in geometric realizations of birational transformations.