Hello and Welcome to my Personal Website! 

My name is Elena Durante and since October 2023 I am a Financial Stability Expert at European Central Bank (Macroprudential Policy Division). Previously, I served as an Economist at Central Bank of Ireland.  

I worked extensively for the development/monitoring of the Central Bank of Ireland macroprudential framework for banks (capital and mortgage measures). I engaged in analysis, policy design and communication strategies by leading and coordinating regular risk assessment and CCyB (i.e., countercyclical capital buffer) quarterly reviews as well as presenting relevant findings to Bank's Committes. I was Secretary of the Central Bank of Ireland's Macroprudential Policy Coordination Group which regularly discussed macroprudential policy matters and engaged with senior leaders on the same. I represented the Central Bank of Ireland at European level (European Central Bank and European Systemic Risk Board) as a member of the MPPG (Macroprudential Policy Group) and IWG (Instrument Working Group). 

I hold a PhD in Economics from La Sapienza University with a thesis titled "Essays on Firm Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policies". 

My research mainly focused on the linkages between the real and financial sector using big data from bank firms and households to understand these linkages and their effects on the macroeconomy. I also published research in the area of monetary policy and firm behavior. 

Contact Information

Email: durante.elena@gmail.com or elena.durante@ecb.europa.eu