Elena Pulvirenti


I am an Assistant Professor in the Applied Probability group, at Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM), TU Delft.

My research interests are mathematical statistical mechanics and probability, with a particular focus on 

Publications and preprints

 Papers in preparation

PhD thesis

"Phase transitions and coarse graining for a system of particles in the continuum", Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, April 2013 (link). 


Young Women in Mathematical Physics (co-organized with Alessia Nota), Bonn, 24 - 26 September 2018

Participation as invited speaker

Short CV

A more detailed CV can be found here  (updated  14.10.2020).

Contact information


Mekelweg 4

2628 CD Delft

E-mail: E.Pulvirenti@tudelft.nl