"At the top of Europe's banks, it's still a man's world". Interviewed by Reuters, March 8, 2022 

"Perché Next Generation Eu è un piano innovatore",, December 14 2021

"L’economia dopo il Covid non tornerà più come prima: le 7 cose che cambieranno", interviewed for Corriere della Sera, March 21 2021.

"Unwinding COVID support measures for banks", (with Thorsten Beck and Brunella Bruno),, March 17 2021.

"Moratoria sì, moratoria no in tempi di pandemia", (with Brunella Bruno),, March 9 2021

"European banks need new chiefs", interviewed for The Economist, Feb 11 2021.

"Coronavirus and banking: Evaluating policy options for avoiding a financial crisis", (with Boot, A, H-H Kotz, J P Krahnen, L Pelizzon and M Subrahmanyam),, January 25 2021.

"Führungslos in den Pandemie-Herbst", interviewed for Zeit Online. October 2020 

"Eine Kämpferin für das Zeitalter der Vernunft ", interviewed for Zeit Online.  September 2020.

"Pandemie frisst Eigenkapital". Work covered by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. August 2020.

"The equity shortfall of Italian firms in the COVID crisis", (with Tommaso Oliviero, Marco Pagano, Loriana Pelizzon and Marti Subrahmanyam),, June 19 2020.

"The bank business model in the post-Covid-19 world", (with Stijn Claessens, Antonio Fatás and Xavier Vives), June 18 2020. 

"Implementing a European Pandemic Equity Fund", (with Arnoud Boot, Hans‐Helmut Kotz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon and Marti Subrahmanyam),, 25 April 2020.

Corona and Financial Stability 4.0: Implementing a European Pandemic Equity Fund”, (with Boot, A, H-H Kotz, J P Krahnen, L Pelizzon and M Subrahmanyam),, April 22 2020.

"Try equity: Coronavirus and financial stability", (with Arnoud Boot, Hans‐Helmut Kotz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon and Marti Subrahmanyam),, 03 April 2020.

"Coronavirus and financial stability 2.0: Act jointly now, but also think about tomorrow", (with Arnoud Boot, Hans‐Helmut Kotz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon and Marti Subrahmanyam),, 25 March 2020.

"La stabilità finanziaria richiede solidarietà in Europa", (with Arnoud Boot, Elena Carletti, Rainer Haselmann, Hans-Helmut Kotz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon, Stephen Schaefer e Marti Subrahmanyam),, March 17 2020.

"Future challenges of financial regulation", (with Thorsten Beck and Itay Goldstein),, November 22 2016.

"The financial implications of a banking union",  (with Franklin Allen and Andrew Gimber),,  October 16 2012.

"Cross-border banking in Europe",  (with Franklin Allen, Thorsten Beck, Philip Lane, Dirk Schoenmaker and Wolf Wagner),,  June 20 2011.


Panelist at the European Union Annual Budget Conference 2021 - The EU budget and NGEU: fireworks or big bang? " 8 November 2021 

Webinar organised by EDUFIN (Financial Education), a Research Unit of Bocconi's Baffi Carefin Centre, on the 21st October, 2021

Panelist in the SRB Conference 2021 - Bank resolution: delivering for financial stability :  "Session III :  The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the banking sector ?" 14 October 2021 

Gave the keynote speech to the joint virtual workshop by the Research Group of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Deutsche Bundesbank and the Centre for Economic Policy Research:  "Evaluating financial regulation: (un)intended effects and new risks –  How do banks react to the new regulatory standards in the current macro-economic environment?" .  21 April 2021 

Chaired the Lecture by Mairead McGuinness, EU Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union. "“Making finance work for citizens”. FBF ANNUAL LECTURE – WOMEN IN FINANCE SERIES.  20 April 2021 

Intervista con Vittorio Eboli: "Moratorie bancarie", Sky TG24 News, Mar 28, 2021 

Intervista con Rosalba Reggio: " Tassi bassi e liquidità: le Banche Centrali drogano o sostengono il mercato?" Sole 24 ORE TV.  Mar 17, 2021 

Webinar: "COVID recession still have the potential to turn into a broader financial meltdown?". Institute for New Economic Thinking #Debt Talks. Feb 25, 2021

Session Chair: "Electoral Politics, Credit, and Regulation". CEPR Conference on The Politics of Regulation and Central Banking. Feb 12 2021

Incontro virtuale: "La Banca d'Italia ascolta il mondo accademico",  Banca d'Italia - Eurosistema, Roma, Feb 9 2021

Intervista con Mariangela Pira: "NPL e COVID19"  SKY TG 24 Business. Sep 28, 2020

SAFE-CEPR Policy Webinar on Corona & Risk Sharing: A European Equity Fund. April 8, 2020 


When and how to unwind COVID support measures to the banking system? (with Thorsten Beck and Brunella Bruno), In-Depth Analysis- requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, March 2021.

Corona and banking - A financial crisis in slow motion? An evaluation of the policy options”,  (with Boot, A, H-H Kotz, J P Krahnen, L Pelizzon and M Subrahmanyam). SAFE White Paper 79. January 2021.

"Cover your Assets: Non-Performing Loans and Coverage Ratios in Europe", (with Alessi, Lucia & Bruno, Brunella,  Neugebauer, Katja & Wolfskiel, Isabella ). 72nd Economic Policy Panel Meeting . October 2020 

"What drives bank coverage ratios: Evidence from the euro area," (with Alessi, Lucia & Bruno, Brunella & Neugebauer, Katja) . JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance 2019-14, Joint Research Centre, European Commission. June 2020

"Main factors for the subdued profitability of significant banks in the Banking Union", (with Brunella Bruno). In-Depth Analysis-requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, Dec 2019.

"The next SSM term: supervisory challenges ahead"(with Brunella Bruno). In-Depth Analysis-requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, March 2019.

"How demanding and consistent is the 2018 stress test design in comparison to previous exercises?", (with Brunella Bruno). In-Depth Analysis-requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, June 2018.

"Provisioning policies for non-performing loans: How to best ensure a “clean balance sheet”? (with Brunella Bruno). In-Depth Analysis-requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, Oct 2017.

"Fines for Misconduct in the Banking Sector – What Is the Situation in the EU?".  In-Depth Analysis-requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, March 2017.

"Should the Marketing of Subordinated Debt Be Restricted/Different in One Way or the Other? What to Do in the Case of Mis-Selling?".  (with Donato Masciandaro). In-Depth Analysis-requested by the European Parliament ECON committee, March 2016.


Int. Assoc. of Credit Portfolio Managers (IACPM) Continental Spring Conference, The Hague, 2023

Single Resolution Board (SRB) Legal Annual Conference, Brussels, 2023

Ist. Affari Internazionali, Governance Economica dell’UE: Regole Fiscali e Assetti Finanziari, 2023

Financial Stability Board (FSB) virtual outreach event on “Covid–19 Exit and Scarring”, 2022

Single Resolution Board and European Central Bank First Annual Conference, Brussels, 2022

European Banking Federation (EBF) Annual Conference, Brussels, 2022

European Banking Authority, Banking Stakeholder Group, Annual Conference, 2021

Associazione per lo Sviluppo degli Studi di Banca e Borsa Conference on “Il sistema finanziario tra sostenibilità e innovazione”, 2022

Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)–OMFIF Financial Stability Conference, 2022

Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Oenb) Conference on European Economic Integration, 2022

Single Resolution Board (SRB) Annual Conference, 2021

Bank of Italy, Monetary Policy Strategy Review: The View of Academics, 2021

Banco de Portugal Conference on Financial Stability, 2021

Banca di Italia Workshop on “The Crisis Management Framework for Banks in the EU: How can we deal with the Crisis of Small and Medium–sized Banks?”, 2021

Bruegel Annual Conference, 2020

CEPR–Chicago Booth webinar on “Economic Recovery in the Wake of a Global Pandemic”, 2020

European Banking Institute (EBI), European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and Single Resolution Board (SRB) Bank Resolution and Common Backstop Conference, 2021

European Commission, Annual Budget Conference on “The EU Budget and NextGenerationEU: Fireworks or Big Bang?”, 2021

The Economist, Climate Risk Summit North America on “Measuring, Managing and Mitigating the Threat from Climate Change”, 2021

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 5th Conference on the Banking Union, panel chair, 2021

Febaf and Oxford Economics Seminar on “Low Interest Rates Environment (LIRE): Implications for the Banking Sector”, 2021

Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) panel on “Who’s Afraid of European Banks?”, 2021

GARP Risk Conference, Panel chair, 2021

SciencePo and Banque de France seminar, 2021

European Court of Auditors, European Financial Crisis Resilience, 2020

European Investment Bank, Conference on “Maintaining the Corporate Ecosystem in times of Covid–19: Risks and Policy Response”, 2020

Spencer and Stuart, “Post–Covid World: A Policy Perspective”, 2020

Bruegel, Discussion on “Take a Chance on Me: Sweden Considers the Banking Union”, 2020

ECB Forum on Banking Supervision, Frankfurt, 2019

IMF Conference on “Rethinking Financial Stability: The FSAP at 20”, Washington, 2019

IACPM Continental Europe Roundtable on “Challenges and Opportunities for European Banks”, Milan, 2019

KIF Annual International Conference, Seoul, 2019

Bank of England, Workshop on Financial Intermediation, London, 2019

Financial Stability Conference on “Between Regress and Progress: How to Cope with National Banking Policies, Single Market Deficiencies and the Unsolved Sharing Issue”, Berlin, 2019

OeNB Macroprudential Conference on “Financial Stability in 2030: Maintaining Effectiveness while Reducing Complexity”, 2019

Bundesbank–ECB Spring Conference “Systemic Risk and the Macroeconomy”,  Frankfurt 2019

6th ECB Monetary Policy Committee’s Task Force workshop on “Banking Analysis for Monetary Policy”, Paris, 2019

ECB, Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, Toulouse School of Economics, National Bank of Belgium Conference on “Managing Financial Crises: Where do We Stand?”, Brussels, 2018

Bank of England, CEPR, Imperial College Business School Conference on “Competition and Regulation in Financial Markets”, London, 2018

ABI Panel on “Europe, EMU and Banks”, Roma, 2018

The ECB and Its Watchers XIX, Frankfurt, 2018

International Monetary Fund, Joint BoE/HKMA/IMF Conference on “Monetary, Financial, and Prudential Policy Interactions in the Post–Crisis World”, Washington DC, 2017

Santiago Finance Workshop, Santiago, 2017

European Commission, Joint Research Center, CoPFiR Launch event, Brussel, 2017

First ESRB Annual Conference, Frankfurt, 2016

European Central Banking Network (ECBN), 1st Policy Research Conference, Ljubljana, 2015

CEPR Financial Regulation Initiative, London, 2015

1st IWH–FIN–FIRE Workshop on “Challenges to Financial Stability”, Halle, 2015

32nd International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, Nice, 2015

SAFE Conference on “Bank Resolution and Reorganization”, Bad Homburg, 2014

31st SUERF Colloquium and 2014 BAFFI Finlawmetrics Conference on “Money, Regulation & Growth”, Milan, 2014

XXII International Conference on Money, Banking and Finance, Rome, 2013

European Investment Bank/Euro 50Group Economics Conference on “Investment and Investment Finance: Putting Europe on a sustainable growth path”, Luxembourg, 2013

European Parliament, Committee on Petitions, Public Hearing on “The impact of the crisis on Europe’s citizens and the reinforcement of democratic involvement in the governance of the Union”, 2013

Conference on “The Eurozone Banking Union – Messiah or Flight of Fancy?”, Oxford University, Jesus College, 2013

European Commission, DG ECFIN Annual Research Conference on “Economic growth perspectives and the future of the Economic and Monetary Union”, Brussels, 2012

European Central Bank policy workshop on “Recasting the Foundations of EMU – Towards a Deeper Economic and Financial Union”, Frankfurt, 2012

SNS /SIFR, The Centre for Business and Policy Studies/ The Institute for Financial Research, Stockholm, 2012

State of the Union Conference, “Economic Governance for Europe”, Florence, 2011

Riksbank/ECB Conference on Bank Resolution, Stockholm, 2011

Max Weber Programme and Pierre Werner Chair Conference on “Learning from Global Economic Crises: Lessons for and from the Social Sciences”, European University Institute, Florence, 2011

European Commission, DG Competition, Brussels, 2011

DNB Conference on “Government Support to the Financial Sector: What Happens Next?”, Amsterdam, 2010

CEPR/DSF/EBC workshop on “Cross–Border Banking in Europe after the Crisis”, Amsterdam, 2010

Financial Stability Board, Committee on Vulnerabilities, Basel, 2010

OeNB 38th Conference on “Central Banking after the Crisis: Responsibilities, Strategies, Instruments”, Vienna, 2010

Max Weber Programme and Pierre Werner Chair Conference on “The 2007–2010 Financial and Economic Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses”, European University Institute, Florence, 2010

OECD, Competition Committee, Roundtable on Competition and Bank Concentration, Paris, 2010

BCBS /CGFS Roundtable on “Systemic Liquidity Risk”, Paris, 2009

OECD, Competition Committee, Roundtable on “Competition and Financial Markets”, Paris, 2009

Bruegel workshop on “Europe’s Future Financial Landscape”, Brussels, 2009

Bruegel, Focus Breakfast on “Accounting Standards and Financial Asset Liquidity”, Brussels, 2009

ACE Workshop, Fondazione Mattei, Milan, 2009

Bank of England, Centre for Central Banking Studies, “Expert Forum: The Financial Turmoil – One Year On”, London, 2008

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s Economic Symposium on “Maintaining Stability in a Changing Financial System”, Jackson Hole, 2008