Elena Bárcena-Martín


Applied Economics Department (Statistics and Econometrics)

University of Málaga, Spain
29071-Malaga, Spain

e-mail: barcenae@uma.es

Telephone:  (+34) 952 131 191
                          (+34) 951 952 129

Professor at the Department of Applied Economics at the Universidad de Málaga (Spain). I obtained my PhD at the Applied Economics Department at the Universidad de Málaga in 2001. Previously, I graduated from a MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics at the London School of Economics and I hold a BSc in Economics at Universidad de Málaga.

I am member of the research groups EQUALITAS and Public Economics and Equity (SEJ-559).

I am Treasurer of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), associate editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality and  Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics and I have been Book Review Editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality (2021-2024). 

Most of my research focuses on the Economics of Inequality, Deprivation and Poverty, Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics, Economics of gender and children, Public Policies and Social Welfare, and Applied Microeconometrics.