Elements of Empowerment

A sequel to the 2019
Defeating Bullies Conference

A free virtual conference coming to a computer near you.

The last several years have not only seen an uptick in exciting diversity and social justice work and scholarship in libraries and related organizations, but also in the negative comments and opposing opinions that have been registered as a result. Free speech is certainly something that we embrace, but harassment, bullying, trolling, doxxing, and other mentally and physically harmful behaviors go well beyond free speech and cannot be tolerated.

In 2019 we began these important conversations and linked these phenomena to library and information science, and now in 2021, we will continue this work by strategizing ways to combat bullying and trolling.


On March 23-24, 2021, we will hear from experts on cyberbullying, LIS mental health, intellectual freedom, and being an active bystander/up-stander.

This event is being organized by Dr. Nicole Cooke and Teneka Jones Williams.

Now is our time to ACT!

Conference Sponsorship also provided by

Conference Graphic by David Michael Moore