Elements of Mathematics: Foundations (EMF) is a complete secondary school online curriculum for mathematically talentedstudents that uses a foundation of discrete mathematics to launch students into modern proof-based mathematics.

In the mid 1960s, facing a shortage of home-grown mathematicians and scientists, the US Office of Education (later tobecome the US Department of Education) made a huge investment in mathematics curriculum development projects.So-called New Math was designed to replace the traditional mathematics curriculum for studentsacross the board. The effort is generally regarded as having failed, not least because insufficientfunds were allocated to support the necessary and substantial teacher retraining.

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At the same time the more focused Elements of Mathematics (EM) project set itself the task ofreplacing the standard program for mathematically talented students. EM would take precociousten-year-olds and prepare them to learn undergraduate-level mathematics by seventh grade andupper division mathematics as college freshmen. The middle school portion of this curriculumbecame known as Elements of Mathematics: Foundations (EMF).

In 2011, a mathematics educator and EM alumna was clearing out an attic when she came acrossher old Foundations textbooks. In light of the many recent technological advances, she wondered whether theremight now be a way to teach it without the need to employ highly skilled mathematicians and tomake it accessible to talented students anywhere. A successful pilot study ensued, andthe following year, EMF was launched asan online, self-study, self-contained mathematics program for talented middle school students.

EMF is developed by the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (IMACS), an independent teachingand educational research institute with 25 years' experience developing original curriculum for talented K-12 students.IMACS' curriculum has been used in prestigious programs such as Duke's Talent Identification Program andJohns Hopkins University's Center for Talented Youth. Over 4,500 students from across the US and around theworld attend local IMACS classes or study its online courses.

Three key characteristics distinguish EMF from most gifted math programs for secondary school students. First, most other programs never go beyond mathematics that was completely understood by the late 17th century. EMF teaches a modern approach, including thorough introductions to Abstract Algebra, Logic, Set Theory, Number Theory and Topology.

Second, many other programs simply accelerate the standard curriculum sequence or teach material that is substantially similar to the standard curriculum. EMF takes a completely different approach in which certain fundamental concepts that elegantly unify the various branches of mathematics are taught through the early EMF courses. EMF then builds on that foundation to explore traditional topics and modern mathematics with depth and sophisitcation rarely seen outside of a university setting.

A popular alternative approach is to learn mathematics by solving many, many competition-style problems. EMF certainly includes problems but under a different pedagogical philosophy: (1) Because gifted students typically need less repetition to learn a concept, EMF trades off having little repetition to go deep into the "why" behind the solutions. (2) EMF's problems are not an end onto themselves but are there to help a student develop mathematical intuition, which later helps them prove many of the important results they learn.

First, your child is to be commended for completing the EMF course. Remember that this rigorous and demanding program challenges young students to learn and think deeply about complex ideas in mathematics that are rarely introduced outside of a university setting.

As you know, the EMF curriculum is quite different from a standard mathematics course and far more challenging. Some exercise and test questionsare such that obtaining a standard "A" grade of 90% is challenging and rarely achieved. For such questions, a "B" grade of 80% is regarded as exemplary.As such, it is difficult to properly reflect EMF student achievement within a standard K-12 grading model using raw EMF scores.Nevertheless, parents and students may find it useful to consider performance vis--vis a familiar framework, and so the IMACS grading systemuses scores that are adjusted to reflect the varying levels of difficulty of exercises and test questions.

He or she will be ready to take calculus classes at the AP level. Students who complete the EMF series with an overall average of 80% or higher may also beeligible for the Advanced Mathematical Logic series of courses. An aptitude test for these university-level courses isavailable at www.eimacs.com.

The EMF curriculum is "mathematician" math as opposed to standard "school" math. Through the work of professional mathematiciansand mathematics educators, this advanced material has been made accessible for extremely bright and motivated young students.Individuals capable of providing support to EMF students would need a rare combination of skills: the ability to understand abstract,university-level mathematics AND the ability to relate these complex ideas to middle and high-school aged children.Because very few middle and high school teachers have any experience teaching this level of mathematics, it would be challenging to findappropriate curriculum support staff for EMF. Furthermore, the cost to hire such uniquely skilled support staff would necessarily raise the tuition forEMF courses substantially. The goal of IMACS in offering EMF is to provide wide access to our world-class curriculum in mathematics ina way that is still relatively affordable.

While the origins of EMF date back to the heyday of the New Math, the EMF developers both then and now have taken an entirely different approach. They could afford to do so because the target audience for EMF is highly gifted students who have already mastered standard elementary school mathematics and beyond, quickly and effortlessly. Furthermore, New Math was implemented with woefully inadequate teacher training. By contrast, EMF's self-study curriculum is written by professional mathematicians who average over 25 years' experience educating gifted children.

A development of basic concepts of elementary mathematics, including problem solving, logic, sets and binary operations, the natural numbers and their properties, deductive reasoning and the nature of proof, the integers, rational numbers, real numbers and their properties, relations, functions, and graphs.

MATH 030 - Elements of Mathematics I Support tag_hash_107 A corequisite course designed to equip students with the skills needed to be successful in MATH 130 via an examination of number sense, mathematical reasoning, algebraic reasoning, and problem solving. Topics include operations in base-ten, operations with fractions, number theory, and algebraic operations. PREREQUISITE(S): Appropriate score on the mathematics assessment test or consent of the department. COREQUISITE(S): MATH 130 . Assessment Level(s): ENGL 101 /ENGL 011 or AELW 940 /ELAI 990 , READ 120 or AELR 930 /ELAR 980 . Two hours each week.Ā 

2 semester hoursĀ 


Course Outcomes:

Ā Upon course completion, a student will be able to:

Can a class be defined which contains itself as an element? I know its forbidden for a set to contain itself, and I have seen arguments that suggest it's possible for a class to do so but none of them go right out and say that it is possible.

Edit: From the comments, if classes cannot contain themselves, a related question would be whether a set theory can admit something which corresponds to the English natural-language phrase, "something which contains itself," even if the set theory supports classes.

In the most commonly used frameworks for set theory (ZFC or NBG), classes are certain collections of sets. In particular, every element of a class is a set, so a proper class cannot be an element of any class (including itself).

However, it is perfectly reasonable to allow sets that are elements of themselves. One of the axioms of ZFC (the axiom of Foundation) forbids this, but if you drop that axiom, you get a perfectly usable set theory. For instance, it is consistent with ZFC-Foundation for there to exist a set $x$ such that $x=\{x\}$, or indeed for there to exist many distinct such sets.

The reason that you normally don't allow such sets (and include the axiom of Foundation) is that you can't really say anything about them without adding new axioms. With the axiom of Foundation, you can prove that all sets are built up from the empty set by an inductive process (using transfinite induction). Without it, there might be some other sets which are not built up inductively, and you don't know where they came from or how to classify them all. You can add additional axioms which restrict what such other sets exist (or guarantee that such sets do exist), but these axioms aren't really especially intuitively natural. And all of this is a big mess to be introducing just to allow some weird sets that you never (or almost never) have to use to do any other math. Still, it can be interesting to study what you can say about these weird sets for its own sake. This Wikipedia page gives a brief overview of some of the ideas that come up when you do so.

We don't even need to talk about "containing itself" to get beyond the capability of ZF or related set theories. Consider the natural-language noun "everything", and note that it cannot correspond to a set in ZF, nor a class in NBG, due to some appropriate version of Russell's paradox. Indeed, such a collection cannot exist even if we drop the axiom of foundation in ZF, which would prevent any set from containing itself and hence would forbid the set of all sets as it would contain itself. ff782bc1db

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