Pakistan: Children of the Taliban 

Reported by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy 



SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY, Correspondent: [voice-over] This is Peshawar, a city of three million people on the edge of Pakistan's lawless tribal areas. Just a few miles from here, the Pakistani army is fighting the Pakistani Taliban, Islamic militants who share a hard-line ideology with their Afghan counterparts. The conflict has killed nearly 7,000 people in the last year alone. 


[on camera] The city is on high alert. The Taliban seem to be closing in, regularly attacking police convoys, kidnapping diplomats, shooting foreigners. 


[voice-over] The fighting has driven thousands of families from their homes in the conflict areas. Many of them are now sheltering here in Peshawar. This rehabilitation center treats people caught in the crossfire between the army and the militants. 


Qainat is 10. She's been living here for the past two months. A mortar meant for the Taliban landed on her house. Her mother has a spinal cord injury. Her sister and most of her extended family were killed. 


MOTHER: [subtitles] Do you miss your sister? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] I miss her but there is nothing we can do. 


MOTHER: [subtitles] God brought it upon us; what can we do? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] I think of her all the time. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] Who in your family was killed in that attack? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] My sister, my aunt, my sister-in-law, my cousin, another aunt, my cousin's daughter, my second cousin and her sons. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] Have you seen the Taliban in your area? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] Yes, I've seen them. They wear masks. They're scary. When we see them, we run back home. One day we were walking to our village. We saw the dead body of a policeman tied to a pole. The Taliban don't spare government people or policemen. His head had been chopped off. It was hanging between his legs. There was a note saying if anyone moved the dead body, they would share its fate. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [voice-over] Before the Taliban took control of Qainat's village, the women in her family attended university and worked. But Qainat tells me the Taliban have now banned girls from going to school. 


[subtitles] What would you like to be when you grow up? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] A doctor. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] Why do you want to be a doctor? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] So I can give injections to people. And help my mother now that she's ill. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] But the Taliban say you can't become a doctor. So what will happen? 


QAINAT: [subtitles] It's peaceful right here. I'll become a doctor here. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [voice-over] Her family's savings are running out. Soon Qainat will have to return to her village, where the Taliban are fighting the army. Qainat's from Swat, a 100-mile-long valley in the north of Pakistan, three hours' drive from Peshawar. Until recently, Swat was known as the Switzerland of the east and had a thriving tourist industry. But all that changed when the Pakistani Taliban arrived. 


[on camera] We're about an hour outside of Swat, and even though the Taliban don't control this area, they do have influence here, so I have to cover up properly. 


[ An interview with the reporter] 


[voice-over] Two years ago, hundreds of Taliban fighters moved into Swat from the adjoining tribal areas when their hideouts were attacked by the Pakistani army. Extremist preachers here gave them refuge. 


Swati women never wore the burqa. Now the handful of women I see on the streets are all covered. 


The Taliban create fear through their radio broadcasts. 


TALIBAN PREACHER: [radio broadcast] [subtitles] Sharia law is our right, and we will exercise this right whatever happens. I swear to God we will shed our own blood to achieve this. We will make our sons suicide bombers! We will make ourselves suicide bombers! I swear to God, if our leader orders me, I will sacrifice myself and blow myself up in the middle of our enemies. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: I arrive in Qainat's village. The Taliban here have a new target, schools. 


[on camera] The Taliban have destroyed over 200 government schools in Swat. And a few days ago, they declared that no girls were going to be allowed to go to school here. 


[voice-over] Four hundred girls studied here. Most of them are too scared to talk about the Taliban, but two 9-year-olds want to tell me what happened. 


ZARLASH: [subtitles] I am really angry. 


RUKSAR: [subtitles] I'm really worried. Our school has been destroyed. 


ZARLASH: [subtitles] It's completely unfair. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] Why did you like school? 


RUKSAR: [subtitles] Because education is like a ray of light, and I want that light. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] What will happen to girls if the Taliban come to power? 


ZARLASH: [subtitles] We'll stay at home. My father bought me a burqa, so I'll have to wear that. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] Do you like wearing a burqa? 


ZARLASH: [subtitles] No. I always trip up in it. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [voice-over] Suddenly a reminder that Swat is on the front line. 


[subtitles] What was that? 


ZARLASH: [subtitles] An explosion, the sound of a mortar. 


SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY: [subtitles] A mortar? We can hear some firing.

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