Electronics graduates have skills, knowledge and professional work attitudes that suit the needs of the electronics industry. Electronics Competency at SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin has a concentration of skills, namely:
Audio Video Engineering
Industrial Electronics Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Reading material :
1) Instrumentation and Control
This field is involved in equipment such as the development of electronic measuring instruments, research instrumentation, data processing tools and control or automation tools such as microprocessor and microcontroller systems for control and so on.
Bidang ini berkecimpung pada peralatan seperti pengembangan alat ukur elektronik, instrumentasi penelitian, alat pemroses data serta alat kontrol atau otomatisasi seperti sistem mikroprosesor dan mikrokontroller untuk kontrol dan sebagainya.
2) Telecommunication
This field is involved in the transfer of information over long distances, whether using cables or not. For example, the development of telephone communications using electronic relays, data communications using computers and telephones, news and image communications via satellite, communications using high frequency radio waves and microwaves and so on.
Bidang ini berkecimpung pada alih informasi jarak jauh baik menggunakan kabel maupun tidak. Sebagai contoh pengembangan komunikasi telepon menggunakan relay elektronik, komunikasi data menggunakan komputer dan telepon, komunikasi berita dan gambar melalui satelit, komunikasi menggunakan gelombang radio frekuensi tinggi dan gelombang mikro dan sebagainya.
3) Electronics Consumer
This sector is involved in the production of general needs equipment such as radios, televisions, audio and video cassette recorders, power providers and electronic components. Today's electronics industry or company can be grouped into 4K, namely components, communications, control and computing.
Bidang ini berkecimpung pada produksi peralatan-peralatan kebutuhan umum seperti radio, televisi, perekam kaset audio maupun video, penyedia daya sertakomponen-komponen elektronika. Industri atau perusahaan Elektronika dewasa ini dapat dikelompokkan dalam 4K, yaitu komponen, komunikasi, kendali dan komputasi.
4) Quantum Electronics
This field is involved in the development of electronics which concerns interactions between light, microwaves or other electromagnetic waves. From this field, laser light has now been developed for various purposes, communication by superimposing signals on light that is carried in optical fibers and so on.
Bidang ini berkecimpung dalam pengembangan Elektronika yang menyangkit interaksi antara cahaya, gelombang mikro atau gelombang elektromagnetik yang lain. Dari bidang ini dewasa ini telah dikembangkan sinar laser untuk berbagai keperluan, komunikasi dengan menumpangkan sinyal pada cahaya yang dijalarkan dalam serat (fiber) optik dan sebagainya.
The field of industrial and manufacturing Instrumentation and Control includes microprocessor systems, microcontrollers, PLCs for factory control, mining and extraction industries, for example: PDAM, Mineral Water Industry, Cement Industry, PLN, Automotive, Heavy equipment companies (Trakindo, UT, Kobelco).
The Telecommunications sector is involved in the transfer of information over long distances using electronic equipment data interfaces such as: Telkom, XL Home, PABX, CCTV, Internet and telecommunications networks, cable TV.
The Consumer Electronics sector consists of repairing equipment at general electronics companies (Authorized Service Centers) such as: Household electronics companies (LG, Sharp, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony, Xiaomi)
The field of Quantum Electronics is the development of electronics which involves interactions between light, microwaves or other electromagnetic waves. Such as: medical instrumentation (Hospital), research and calibration equipment (Laboratory)
Bidang Instrumentasi dan Kontrol industri dan manufaktur meliputi sistem mikroprosesor, mikrokontroller, PLC untuk kendali pabrik, industri tambang dan ekstraksi contohnya seperti: PDAM, Industri Air Mineral, Industri Semen, PLN, Otomotif, Perusahaan alat berat (Trakindo, UT, Kobelco).
Bidang Telekomunikasi berkecimpung pada alih informasi jarak jauh baik menggunakan data interface peralatan elektronik seperti: Telkom, XL Home, PABX, CCTV, Jaringan Internet dan telekomunikasi, TV kabel.
Bidang Elektronika Konsumer berupa perbaikan peralatan pada perusahaan elektronik umum (Authorized Service Center) seperti: Perusahaan elektronik rumah tangga (LG, Sharp, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony, Xiaomi)
Bidang Elektronika Kuantum berupa pengembangan Elektronika yang menyangkut interaksi antara cahaya, gelombang mikro atau gelombang elektromagnetik yang lain. Seperti: instrumentasi medis (Rumah sakit), peralatan penelitian dan kalibrasi (Laboratorium)
Electronics graduates can continue their studies in various majors at universities including:
Lulusan Elektronika dapat melanjutkan kuliah ke berbagai jurusan pada Universitas Negeri maupun Swasta diantaranya: