4 Factors To Consider When Selecting An ITAD Partner

The amount of electronic waste (e-waste) that gets discarded globally only seems to be rising with every passing year. It is estimated that more than 50 million metric tonnes of e-waste were generated in the year 2019 on a global scale. Improperly discarded e-waste poses a serious threat to the ecosystem as dangerous chemicals such as cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead, chromium, etc., end up in landfills thereby polluting the soil and the groundwater. Furthermore, exposure to this lethal e-waste can cause debilitating chronic life conditions such as paralysis, migraines, and skin diseases. If one resorts to burning this dumped e-waste, then it would cause the unnecessary wastage of valuable minerals and resources such as gold, copper, silver, etc., since these components are often a prerequisite to the creation of electronic gadgets and machines.

How Unmanaged E-Waste Puts Companies at Risk

Unmanaged e-waste is only one part of this menacing problem. Many companies tend to overlook the importance of ethical electronic recycling, as well as, hard drive destruction. As a result, many multinational corporations become exposed and vulnerable to data breaches and hacking which can result in significant losses and disrepute. In the modern era, if a corporation is to create a good name for itself, its owners and executives must prioritize sustainable business and proper e-waste management. Practices like recycling and reusing are the bare minimum. They must also incorporate a well-suited data destruction process by consulting a top-notch ITAD (Information Technology Asset Disposition) company. These companies specialize in data destruction services and protection from data theft.

Contrary to popular belief, deleting the files on official devices is not the right way to destroy your data. In fact, doing a factory reset proves to be more beneficial than simply hitting “delete.” For ethical e-waste destruction, hard drives must be erased with the help of advanced software that makes data indecipherable even if someone tries to retrieve it.

Choosing an ITAD Partner? Consider These Factors!

That is why data destruction and e-waste recycling services have become indispensable aspects of the modern-day commercial industries. To handle e-waste intelligently, companies must select a certified recycled or a company that provides ITAD services and certified electronic waste recycling. To ensure that you choose the right ITAD partner, here are 4 factors that you must consider beforehand:

1. Timely Audit Reports

A credible ITAD company will create a checklist of all the processes involved and all the targets. These companies generally provide you with a Certificate of Destruction (COD), settlement reports, and timely audit reports. The entire process is transparent so that you can keep a record of everything and it speaks volumes about the company’s integrity and ethics. Besides that, you should look out for detailed quotes about the services offered, succinct timelines, and accurate inventory or audit reports.

2. Transparent Process

It is important for all the employees of an ITAD company to go through background checks. Additionally, as a business owner, you must have the right to track your IT assets. ERI is one such company that their clients in the loop through the usage of Optech, a high-quality tracking and management software. Tracking allows for transparency and puts you in control of your IT assets.

3. Accreditation

You want to ensure that the recycling company you choose holds an e-Stewards & R2 certification. Companies with proper accreditation are fully authorized by the governing bodies to carry out the process of e-waste recycling, data destruction, and ensuring cybersecurity. It is the hallmark that proves a company meets the industrial standards for the provision of services.

4. Provision of Certification

A certified recycler and ITAD partner will provide its clients with a certificate that confirms their data was thoroughly destroyed and erased. IT is crucial to have such a certificate because in case, a data breach does occur, you can prove to the authorities that you took every step necessary for proper data destruction and IT assets’ ethical disposal.

Once your data has been destroyed, you want to ensure that the company takes proper care of where the waste ends up. The last thing you want is for your e-waste to be dumped in some underdeveloped country where it endangers the health and safety of poor wage workers. ERI Direct is one of those companies that practice responsible recycling by ensuring that e-waste never gets dumped overseas.

Why ERI Direct?

When you do business with a trustworthy company like ERI Direct, you can have surety and peace of mind that your IT assets are in the best hands. This world-class company holds an e-Stewards certification along with R2, ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001, and NAID AAA certifications, which makes it one of the best in the United States. With 8 locations around the USA, this company provides services to every state. For those who value transparency, integrity, and adherence to all legal, as well as, commercial standards, choosing ERI Direct for e-waste management, electronic recycling, ITAD services, and data destruction is the way to go.