When using electron-vite to bundle your code, the entry point of the Electron application should be changed to the main process entry file in the output directory. The default outDir is out. Your package.json file should look something like this:

During installation, the electron module will call out to@electron/get to download prebuilt binaries ofElectron for your platform. It will do so by contacting GitHub'srelease download page ( $VERSION,where $VERSION is the exact version of Electron).

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If your mirror serves artifacts with different checksums to the officialElectron release you may have to set electron_use_remote_checksums=1 toforce Electron to use the remote SHASUMS256.txt file to verify the checksuminstead of the embedded checksums.

Alternatively, you can override the local cache. @electron/get will cachedownloaded binaries in a local directory to not stress your network. You can usethat cache folder to provide custom builds of Electron or to avoid making contactwith the network at all.

Under the hood, Electron's JavaScript API binds to a binary that contains itsimplementations. Because this binary is crucial to the function of any Electron app,it is downloaded by default in the postinstall step every time you install electronfrom the npm registry.

However, if you want to install your project's dependencies but don't need to useElectron functionality, you can set the ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD environmentvariable to prevent the binary from being downloaded. For instance, this feature canbe useful in continuous integration environments when running unit tests that mockout the electron module.

In almost all cases, these errors are the result of network problems and notactual issues with the electron npm package. Errors like ELIFECYCLE,EAI_AGAIN, ECONNRESET, and ETIMEDOUT are all indications of suchnetwork problems. The best resolution is to try switching networks, orwait a bit and try installing again.

When running electron-vite from the command line, electron-vite will automatically try to resolve a config file named electron.vite.config.js inside project root. The most basic config file looks like this:

When using electron-vite to bundle your code, the entry point of the Electron application should be changed to the main process entry file in the output directory. The default outDir is out. Your package.json file should look something like this:

create-electron is a tool to quickly start a project from a basic template for popular frameworks. Also you can use a tool like degit to scaffold your project with the template electron-vite-boilerplate.

If you suspect you're running into a bug with the electron-vite, please check the GitHub issue tracker to see if any existing issues match your problem. If not, feel free to fill the bug report template and submit a new issue.

When you run yarn install, npm install, or create a Finsemble installer, behind the scenes we use @electron/get to fetch the prebuilt binary Electron files and a shasum file. When you try to retrieve these files from GitHub by using a link such as =22, it redirects to an Amazon AWS S3 bucket that looks similar to this link: https:// github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/9384267/425a5f80-0aec-11ea-9585-8506be0d72e5?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20200403%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20200403T162331Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=012c0026221565d325cc330b9c597273cb29d0b4fd26e878f66d3f7c21f25b14&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=1701764&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Delectron-v7.1.2-win32-x64.zip&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream. This specific link is an example and has expired by now, which is why it's intentionally misformated. Yours will be similar but not exactly the same.

If you use a proxy server on your network, you need to configure @electron/get before you can use it. Specifically, you must set environment variables that enable the proxy and to provide its address. Type this in the Windows command prompt:

electronDist String | module:app-builder-lib/out/configuration.__type - Returns the path to custom Electron build (e.g. ~/electron/out/R). Zip files must follow the pattern electron-v${version}-${platformName}-${arch}.zip, otherwise it will be assumed to be an unpacked Electron app directory

Cypress needs Internet access to work. Many companies require the use of acorporate proxy to access the Internet. If your company does this, manyfunctions of Cypress will not work until you've configured Cypress to use yourproxy:

Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) files are not currently supported. If yourorganization uses a PAC file, contact a network administrator to ask what HTTPproxy you should be using to access the general Internet, then use that proxywith Cypress.

SOCKS proxies are not currently supported. A workaround is to set up an HTTPproxy locally that points to your SOCKS proxy, then using that HTTP proxy withCypress.Read more about forwarding an HTTP proxy through SOCKS.

When downloading Cypress for the first time, the cypress command line tooldoes not read proxy settings from the Windows registry. If you need toconfigure a proxy for the installation to work, you must set the appropriateenvironment variables as described below.

You can also set proxy environment variables before running Cypress to overridethe Windows registry. This is also the only way to define a proxy forcypress install. In Command Prompt, defining the required environmentvariables looks like this:

Cypress automatically reads from your system's HTTP_PROXY environment variableand uses that proxy for all HTTP and HTTPS traffic. If an HTTPS_PROXYenvironment variable is set, HTTPS traffic will use that proxy instead.

To bypass the proxy for certain domains, a NO_PROXY environment variable canbe set to a comma-separated list of domain names to not proxy traffic for. Bydefault, traffic to localhost will not be proxied. To make Cypress sendtraffic for localhost through the proxy, pass in NO_PROXY.

Cypress needs to be able to authenticate properly when communicating toCypress Cloud. When connecting through a proxy,oftentimes a self signed certificate is used as a CA. In order to handle thisconfiguration, Cypress automatically reads from npm config'scafile andca options and theNODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTSnode environment variable.

In order to properly configure your proxy configuration, it can be helpful toknow how to view currently set environment variables, unset unwanted environmentvariables, and set environment variables depending on your operating system.

Downstream packages should utilize the initializeProxy function to add HTTP(S) proxy support. Ifthe environment variable ELECTRON_GET_USE_PROXY is set, it is called automatically. A differentproxy module is used, depending on the version of Node in use, and as such, there are slightlydifferent ways to set the proxy environment variables. For Node 10 and above,global-agent is used. Otherwise,global-tunnel-ng is used. Refer to theappropriate linked module to determine how to configure proxy support.

The WarpX team suggests a problem involving a plasma mirror. As depicted in the picture above, high-order harmonic beams are focused by a relativistic plasma mirror. Such plasma mirrors can be formed by focusing a femtosecond laser pulse of intensity I > 1018; W/cm2; with high temporal contrast on a solid target such as plastic or glass. Upon reflection on the relativistically oscillating mirror surface, high-order harmonic beams are generated by the Doppler effect in the reflected field propagating along the specular direction. For Gaussian laser profiles at focus, the inhomogeneous laser radiation pressure can curve the plasma mirror surface, forming a parabolic plasma mirror, which can in turn tightly focus the harmonic beams. This process can lead to extreme intensities I > 1025 W/cm2 at plasma mirror focus, and is currently a very promising candidate to access yet unobserved quantum electrodynamic processes such as electron-positron cascades or vacuum breakdown. For performance testing, the laser is omitted in order to simplify the problem, because it does not take much computational time.

The domain of the problem we ran on WarpX and PICSARlite is the rectangle from points (-1.42e-5, -8.5e-6, 0) to (2.8e-6, 8.5e-6, 3.4e-5). The plasma consists of two species of particles, electrons and protons, both distributed in the rectangular subregion from (0, -8.4e-6, 1e-6) to (2.5e-6, 8.4e-6, 3.3e-5), with 2 particles of each species per grid cell. The particle-containing region has dimensions 2.5e-6  1.68e-5  3.2e-5, within the full domain of dimensions 1.7e-5  1.7e-5  3.4e-5. This is 14.7%, 98.9%, and 94.1% of the length of the domain in the three dimensions.

Observations of auroral beads have been linked to electron acceleration by parallel electric fields in kinetic scale ballooning modes. In the MHD regime, ballooning modes have zero frequency and so there is an expected correspondence between the nature of electron energization in these modes and low frequency high-m poloidal standing waves. With this motivation in mind, we present hybrid gyrofluid-kinetic electron simulations of electron energization in high-m fundamental mode poloidal standing Alfven waves in a dipolar geometry (Damiano et al., 2019). We find that in the limit of cold ions, mirror force effects lead to increased parallel potential drops and mono-energetic electron energization as both electron temperature and azimuthal mode number are increased. This energization leads to a rapid dissipation of wave energy which ultimately reduces the parallel current. Initial results considering ion gyroradius effects on the characteristics of the electron energization and wave evolution will also be summarized.

In case rsync is not available in your local environment, a simple ftp service is suitable for the two-way sync as well. lftp provides a --mirror and a --delete option to sync a local with a remote storage. ff782bc1db

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