BOND 2024
Thank you voters!
It is an EXCITING day to be a Cedar Hill Longhorn!
Unofficial election results show that voters in Cedar Hill ISD approved the district's $282.4 million bond referendum by a nearly 2-to-1 margin on Saturday. This is the first time in 12 years that CHISD has passed a Bond.
Residents supported Proposition A with 64.2% percent in favor, giving the school district authorization to fund $278.5 million worth of capital improvements such as replacing roofing, HVAC systems, and purchasing buses and new furniture.
Proposition B passed with 62.12% percent in favor, allowing the district to use $3.9 million to purchase technology devices, including interactive whiteboards, document cameras, and teacher and student devices.
The Cedar Hill ISD Bond Oversight Committee is an independent citizens committee established to monitor the progress of the district's bond programs, ensuring that bond revenues are spent appropriately and evaluating risks and controls of the bond program via an independent and periodic report to the Superintendent, Board and general public.
The 20-30 member committee will be made up of building and construction professionals, community members and active CHISD parents.
Committee members are not compensated for their service to CHISD, nor are they permitted to have active or pending contracts with the district.
Outgoing Cedar Hill ISD Board Trustees Robert Riggs will serve as lead of the Bond Oversight Committee.
Cedar Hill ISD is currently developing a selection and recruitment process to ensure the voices of all stakeholders are included in the anticipated committee. The CHISD Bond Oversight Committee will be make up of:
Longhorn Futures Committee Representation: Five current and active members of the Longhorn Futures Committee
Student Representation: The Cedar Hill ISD Teen Superintendent, 1 student representative from the Superintendent's Student Roundtable and 1 representative from each CHISD middle school.
Educator Representation: 2023-24 CHISD District Teachers of the Year, 2023-24 STEM Teacher of the Year, & 2023-24 Elementary and Secondary Principals of the Year.
Community Representation: Any CHISD employee, parent, current CHISD middle or high school scholar or Cedar Hill resident can submit their name for consideration to serve on the Bond Oversight Committee. The CHISD communications department will develop an online application and make it available to Cedar Hill ISD residents.
Cedar Hill Residents,
This is the first time in 12 years that CHISD has passed a Bond.
This is such an exciting day for Cedar Hill ISD. After two previous attempts, we were able to put forth a plan that our community supported. This bond package will allow us to support our students and staff by providing them with the facilities they deserve. We will work hard every day to make our community proud of the investment they’ve made in our future.
This approved bond package was recommended by the Longhorn Futures Committee, a group of community members, parents, and staff, who prioritized the district’s critical needs. This approved bond package comes after two failed attempts in November 2022 and May 2023.
This bond program was the result of many months of thoughtful planning taken on by the Longhorn Futures Committee. We are incredibly grateful for your dedication to our students and staff and the vision you have for them.
As the projects continue through design and construction, CHISD officials will share bond project updates with the community. The Cedar Hill ISD website, Longhorn Newsroom, School Board meetings and community meetings will be among the many channels of communication for bond-related updates.
I am so grateful for our community’s continued support of Cedar Hill ISD, we are so excited to begin the next phases of these projects.
Horns Up!
Dr. Gerald B. Hudson, Superintendent