Pros & Cons of a Learning Management System

Ever since the arrival of e-learning and substitution of typical ways of learning and teaching, much has changed for both the students and the institutions. Here, we are standing at a point where we should look back and decide what advanced learning management systems have brought to us and what we have lost in the process of adapting to the new methods of learning.

Pros of the Learning Management System

Less Costly

The learning management software has dramatically reduced the cost of education, especially for organizations, when it comes to the training of employees. No need for books, notes, and stationery has resulted in lower costs for students as well. Neither the trainer has to be available in the class nor is any need for a space for accommodating students. The high salary of teachers is also not imposed on the institution or organization. Moreover, a single course can be conducted several times.

Easy Availability of Education

The learning management system has reduced the distance between the learner and the trainer. There is no need to travel miles for attending a single class, you can just connect to the internet, and there you go. Especially when it comes to cross-border learning, e-learning has done a miracle for the knowledge seekers.

Mobile Learning

Classroom-based education sometimes becomes a hectic thing for students, and they have to plan their schedules accordingly. However, the introduction of LMS has made it possible to tailor the program as per the candidate's choice and convenience.

Learners can progress at their intended pace, and it becomes easy for the individual to learn with heart when he selects the time for learning himself.

New Way of Education

No matter what we think about e-learning but it has, for sure, changed the way education is provided. You can learn, regardless of your place or state, during travel, or even while sitting with your family members. Studying lying in your bed is not any problem either!

Learning management software like eLeaP has even trying their best to make the process even more entertaining by providing the ability to communicate with other course members. Gamification tools bring a type of competition among the trainers as well as increase the engagement of the learners with the system.

Drawbacks of the Learning Management System

Over-Reliance on Technology

E-learning is all about having technology at your disposal. Without a stable internet connection, it is impossible for the students to get any exposure to the course. The availability of any one of the electronic devices like laptops, smartphone, or PC is also mandatory.

When a considerable transition in learning way occurs, people have a difficult time to deal with changes that ultimately result in their interest and progress. I mean, just imagine how we have come across a pdf from the book in the hands.

Less Motivating

Organizing your studies according to your schedule is an exciting task for the nerds, but for an easy-going person, it is a kind of annoying thing to do. He might feel isolated and less motivated towards the course and might even leave the course in the middle or just could not finish it on time.

No Group-Based Learning

Classroom-based education was anything but boring. You did not have to hold your tablet or smartphone for hours or just keep looking at your pc or laptop. There was a whole group with you in the classroom with whom you had parties and group studies. The modern learning management system has significantly failed in bringing that environment to the pupils.

So, we are left unanswered again about whether LMS is the thing to embrace in recent times. Well, there is no good or bad as long as the process is motivating a single guy or educating a knowledge seeker, although constant changes are needed to progress towards the stability of the system and let people make most of the e-learning.