Working Papers
The Effects of Exposure to a Large-Scale Recession on Higher Education and Early Labor Market Outcomes, with Jisoo Hwang and Hyelim Son, revise and resubmit at Journal of Human Resources. [SSRN] [CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper #2023-005]
Evaluating a Structural Model of Labor Supply and Welfare Participation: Evidence from State Welfare Reform Experiments. [SSRN]
Labor Market Consequences of Starting College in a Recession, with Daeyoung Jeong, Chae Lee, and Kyuseob Yu.
Does the Internet Help the Unemployed Find Jobs?, Information Economics and Policy, 2023, 62, 101017.
The Effect of Female Teachers on Female Students' Academic Performance and Study Behaviors: Evidence from Chinese Middle Schools, with Lanxuan Xing, Journal of Economic Research, 2023, 28(3), 273-294.
The Long-Term Effects of Labor Market Entry in a Recession: Evidence from the Asian Financial Crisis, with Jaewoo Choi and Hyelim Son, Labour Economics, 2020, 67, 101926.
Working paper versions: [IZA Discussion Paper #13009] [Princeton University Industrial Relations Section Working Paper #637] [Upjohn Institute Working Paper #19-312]
Coverage: Weekly Chosun
Transition of Son Preference: Evidence from South Korea, with Jisoo Hwang, Demography, 2020, 57(2), 627-652.
Working paper version: [SSRN]
Received Korean Economy Research Award from the Korean Economic Association in 2021
Coverage: Dong-A, Etoday, BK21Four Webzine, Hankyoreh21
Within-District School Lotteries, District Selection, and the Average Partial Effects of School Inputs, with Hyungsik Roger Moon and Geert Ridder, Korean Economic Review, 2019, 35(2), 275-306. (lead article)
Working paper versions: [USC-INET Research Paper #17-11] [USC Lusk Center Working Paper]
Child Gender and Parental Inputs: No More Son Preference in Korea?, with Jisoo Hwang, in American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 2015, 105(5), 638-643.
Estimation of an Education Production Function under Random Assignment with Selection, with Hyungsik Roger Moon and Geert Ridder, in American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 2014, 104(5), 206-211.
Coverage: Chosun Biz
The Declining Average Size of Establishments: Evidence and Explanations, with James R. Spletzer, in Monthly Labor Review, 2012, 135(3), 50-65.
Received Lawrence R. Klein Award for Best Article in Monthly Labor Review for 2012
Reprinted in paperback, BiblioGov, 2013. (ISBN-10: 1288622775, ISBN-13: 978-1288622771)
Coverage: The New York Times Economix Blog, Politico, The Oregonian, CNBC
Dormant Projects
The (L)ATE in Multi-Site Experiments with Endogenous Site Selection, with Hyungsik Roger Moon and Geert Ridder.
How to Take Account of Internet Job Search in Measuring Unemployment in the CPS, with Scott Fricker, Steve Haugen, Fran Horvath, Brandon Kopp, Anne Polivka, Eleni Sherman, and Hugette Sun.
Presented at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Technical Advisory Committee Meeting in June 2013