
Welcome to Team 2 Communications! This page is here to keep you informed about what is going on in class, update you on assignments, and highlight student work.

We are in the

stage of the project process.

Funky Beats

About Communication Class

Communication is fundamental to the human experience. We all do it, and in all sorts of different ways. In this class we will explore how we make meaning of the world around us through the practices of reading and writing.

During the first trimester, we will read about the lives of people we look up to and compare our experience to theirs. Then, we will write the story of our future.

Weekly Checklist

  • Read "In Defense of a Loaded Word"

  • Complete Practice: Identify the Main Idea and Supporting Details

  • Identify a person to research

Project Process

  1. Define - Think about what makes you, you, and how growth mindset can support you in becoming your best self.

  2. Explore - Learn more about your role models and people you look up to.

  3. Empathize - Connect your life to the life of your role model.

  4. Analyze - Break down the areas in your life where you want to see growth, and find out what wisdom can be received from others.

  5. Imagine - Begin to picture your life in the future, and outline one chapter from the story of your future.

  6. Assess - Determine how what you have learned can support your imagined future.

  7. Create - Focus on writing a compelling chapter for the story of your future.

  8. Iterate - Review and revise your writing, and make sure it says what you want it to say.

  9. Exhibit - Share your writing, and explain your process.

Student Work

Mr. Cory is currently reading Beloved by Toni Morrison