The History of Elaruu

The history of Elaruu, as written by JamieD132:

This is the story of elaruu FROM DAY 1. Not many people know about elaruu from that long ago. THE HISTORY OF ELARUU 30th of October 2022 to 10th of March 2024

There want really a day one, it just slowly built up. There was no day where I just decided I was gonna make it into a chat room. It all started on the day after elaruu was created. I visited there profile for some reason I can’t remember and was surprised when I realise they only joined yesterday. So I commented “you’re the best scratcher ever!” And got my brother to do the same. And then I forgot about them for 11 months. Then after 11 months, I suddenly remembered, and commented something like “you’re a genius elaruu!” And then this time, I was a griffpatcher. Before I was not. So I went to griffpatches profile and said “comment ‘genius’ on @elaruu’s profile!”. And I didn’t do this because I wanted it as a chat room or I wanted them to get follows, just because I thought it was funny that we were all complimenting this scratcher who had done nothing. That was technically the first step in elaruu’s journey to becoming a famous chat room. Afterwards I did the same thing. At this point, there were already some fans. And some haters. @dahat_heart_master49 was the original hater of elaruu. He just hated it because he didn’t understand it. And @hope_in_the_cross was the original elaruu fan, and still is!! She was really the only one who got the joke at that time. Anyway, people started to follow elaruu, and I was very excited on the day elation hit 10 follows, and 100 messages. At this point, I realised that they had so much messages (yes, I thought 100 was a lot back then) so I wanted to continue it. I wanted to get to 1000. So I went back to griffpatches profile, and I commented “spam elaruu with comments so they can get to 1000 messages!”. And some people did, but not for long. And that’s when I realised 1000 messages is gonna take longer than I thought. So I did the same, every day. And every morning I woke up to see if their was any comments on their profile while I was gone, but no, their was only comments while I was advertising. And then there was this little group of people who formed, that got the elaruu joke, and liked it. And they continued to willingly chat at elaruu, even while their was no advertising. Of course it wasn’t at all very active, only about 10-20 comments a day. But that’s what got us to 300 messages. And about 50 follows now. And as I advertised every day, the group got just a little bit bigger. And then they started advertising too. And called themselves elaruuians. And then they created fan content, and fan accounts. The very first fan account was @eiaruu, but the most popular one now is probably @elaruuian. There are over 90 fan accounts made for elaruu. And over 300 projects, over 100 studios. But this is now, and we’re talking about the past. As they created these projects relating to elaruu, everyone that looked at them started to know about them, and they followed elaruu, and commented their. But they only commented once or twice before realising it was inactive and a waste of time. Elaruu never really got THAT active. Their were quite a lot of times where it was more active than griffpatch, but it never lasted long. Until a war started between griffpatch and elaruu. I logged on, expecting no comments on elaruu’s profile while I was gone, and of course I was right. And then suddenly the war started and elaruu’s profile got wayyy more active than griffpatch! And then I left for 2 hours and got back on, and it was still going! Of course it only lasted for 3 or so hours, but that was way longer than the other times. But after that, they gained a lottt of follows, but no one really stayed, or came back then next day to chat again. After about 3 more months, elaruu’s fan group steadily increased. We could get 1000 messages in just 1-2 days if we tried hard enough. But still, no one was REALLY commenting THAt much while I was gone, only while I was their, advertising. I realised I had to do something. So, inspired my MK1’s events, and how popular they got, I wanted to do something like that. So created an “elaruu day” for the 5th month anniversary of walrus being used as a chat room. It was actually a 2 day celebration. The first day is known as apple day, where a 2 hour apple documentary is somehow recounted by a scratcher who has memorised the entire thing, and then the next day is pretty much the celebration day. Apple day went great. No one was really their at first, but after the apple documentary, the chat continued relatively active for the rest of the day. And while I was asleep. Not advertising. So I woke up the next day, and noticed people were actually excited for the elaruu day celebration. But then I noticed their hadn’t been a comment for 2 hours. Firstly I just figured people didn’t care that much, but later I realised that it was actually due to mass reporting. People did care, they just couldn’t show it. And then there was a spam raid, and the comments got shut down. Elaruu day was ruined. Not only that, but the first time ever in elaruu history that it was consistently active throughout the whole day AND night, was the last day. If Elaruu had not closed that day, it is likely that they would have been consistently active since, and that maybe they would be consistently as active as griffpatch. And maybe they would have 1000 followers, or 100000 messages, or more. All this could have been real if it didn’t close that day. Elaruu was quite literally getting 50+ followers a day at that time. But I never gave up on elaruu, and always had hope that the comments would re-open. But after 11 days, elaruu was deleted entirely. This was likely also due to mass reporting. And, although deleted scratchers are possible to restore, since the 5th of February when elaruu was deleted, no one has managed to convince the Scratch Team to restore it. So elaruu remains deleted to this day. The last comment ever was @btdim2 replying “test”…