Invited talks

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “Multi-scale responses of terrestrial carbon cycle to enviro-climatic variations”, Berkeley, CA, Jan 2016
  • University of Virginia, “Understanding biogeochemical carbon cycle processes from an atmospheric scientist’s point of view”, Charlottesville, VA, Feb 2014
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Atmospheric Chemistry, Dynamics and Radiation Seminar Series, “Process-Oriented Understanding in the Multi-Scale Multi-Disciplinary Earth System Science: Cases of atmospheric chemistry, chemistry-climate Interaction, biogeochemical carbon cycle”, Pasadena, CA, Nov 2013
  • (P) NCAR Advanced Study Program summer colloquium, “Can biospheric models reproduce spatiotemporal variability of CO2 fluxes as observed through atmospheric measurements?”, Boulder, CO, Aug 2013
  • (P) Gordon Research Conference of Atmospheric Chemistry, “Can biospheric models reproduce spatiotemporal variability of CO2 fluxes as observed through atmospheric measurements?”, West Denver, VT, Aug 2013
  • Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESS XII), “The impacts of changing transport and precipitation on atmospheric pollutant distribution in a future climate”, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York City, July 2013
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Connecting climate change, air quality and human health”, Hong Kong, China, Apr 2012
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Division of Environment, “Connecting climate change, air quality and human health”, Hong Kong, China, Apr 2012
  • Columbia University, Seas Colloquium in Climate Science (SCICS), “Exploring the potential of using synthetic tracers as a proxy for PM2.5 air quality in physical climate models”, New York City, Mar 2012
  • Stanford University/Carnegie Institution, Department of Global Ecology, “Connecting climate change, air quality and human health”, Stanford, CA, Feb 2012
  • Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres, "Understanding climate change impact on air pollutants with synthetic tracers", New York City, Feb 2012
  • Environmental Defense Fund, “The interaction between air pollution and climate change and the associated risks and opportunities”, New York City, Jan 2012
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, “The impacts of changing transport and precipitation on pollutant distribution in a future climate”, Lincoln, NE, June 2011
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry Seminar, “The impacts of changing transport and precipitation on pollutant distribution in a future climate”, Boston, MA, May 2011
  • Exxon Mobil Corporate Strategy Research Lab, “Climate change impact on air quality”, Clinton, NJ, Feb 2011
  • Harvard University, Atmospheric Sciences Seminar, “Warmer wetter climate, more soluble pollutants?”, Cambridge, MA, Nov 2010
  • Cornell University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, “The impacts of changing transport and precipitation on pollutant distribution in a future climate”, Ithaca, NY, Oct 2010
  • UCLA, the Tropospheric Chemistry Modeling and Analysis Group, “The impacts of emissions, meteorology and climate change on pollution transport”, Los Angles, CA, Apr 2010
  • Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, “The impacts of emissions, meteorology and climate change on pollution transport”, Princeton, NJ, Feb 2010
  • China National Satellite Meteorological Center, “Characterize the spatial/temporal distribution and transport of CO using satellite data”, Beijing, 2005