I have a degree in Computer Engineering, a master's in Computer Science (Recommender Systems), and a Ph.D. in progress also in Computer Science (Machine Learning).

I started working informally when I was 9 years old because my parents are entrepreneurs and my family is really big. From an early age, I needed to be responsible, as I took care of my younger relatives, helped my parents at home and also in their business establishment.

I have had many experiences since then and have had opportunities to develop various skills. I won some championships as a volleyball player. With the life of an athlete, I learned to never give up on my goals. I wanted to be a professional player and today sport is one of my hobbies. As I started to manage from an early age, I had several experiences as a receptionist, video store attendant, nanny, and general assistant in a restaurant. I already wanted to be a professional singer, another hobby, and I was part of some bands. I even got to do dubbing and present a radio program on the Internet.

However, I found myself in computing when I sat in front of a 486-DX2 and learned to use it practically on my own, even though I had been playing video games since I was 8 years old. For many years I worked professionally as a teacher, developing social, research, and innovation projects. I supervised works from students in their final projects, and internships, organized and participated in events, gave lectures, conducted meetings, coordinated undergraduate and graduate courses, managed teams. I founded and am a leader of the #GarotasCPBr women's community.

With all this I learned to organize, distribute and collect tasks/schedules; talk and negotiate with people; deal with goals and deadlines; disseminate information and interact with people formally and informally; manage conflicts; organize and develop content. All these experiences led me to be a responsible, committed, punctual, organized, engaged, determined, self-taught person who likes to share what learns.

My current goal is to work as a Data Scientist in an environment where I can use and explore, everything I've learned from my experiences and, thus, contribute to the company's growth, improving people's lives and also society.