Academic Background


I received a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE) of Princeton University in 2019. I received my B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, in 2013. 

During my first two years in ORFE I worked on developing a scheduler for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) in collaboration with the DIRAC Institute, University of Washington. I also worked on Fourier Constrained Optimization (FCO) problems, under the supervision of my advisor Prof. Robert Vanderbei. 

[Ph.D. Thesis] [CV]

Research Interests

High dimensional optimization, Decision Making, Scheduling, Machine Learning, Stochastic Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, and Astronomy.

Invited Talks and Presentations

Cornell's school of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Ithaca, NY, October 2017


Elahesadat Naghib, Peter Yoachim, Robert J. Vanderbei, Andrew J. Connolly

Astronomical Journal (AJ), volume 157, number 4.

Elahesadat Naghib, Robert Vanderbei, Christopher Stubbs

SPEI 7th conference on the observatory operations. Edinburgh, Scotland: 9910, 2016

Elahesadat Naghib, Amin Nobakhti

American Control Conference. Boston, USA, 2016

Elahesadat Naghib, and Amir Sadatmousavi


Some of the student's evaluation comments: 

"Precepts varied - I had several different preceptors including Elahe, [...] I had all of them honestly and so did a lot of the evening precepts so you'll probably get strange feedback from students. Loved Elahe - she's incredible. "

"The preceptor was very important for my learning of the course material. During the precepts, the preceptor frequently asked us if we had any questions and tried her best to make sure that we were all on the same page. In addition, she explained the information very clearly and slowed down or sped up depending on where the class was at."

"The preceptor illustrated the material we had learnt in lectures and clarified students doubts about the material. She was very helpful and event stayed after the precepts to help students out."

"She is a wonderful preceptor and is the best ever at explaining difficult concepts."

"Elahe (preceptor) was amazing and a huge help throughout [coding the final project]."

"The precepts were often helpful, and Elahe always went late so she could cover more material and answer questions."

