The Schedule


Day 1

May, 6th

Venue: Tallinna Liikuri Kindergarten
Address: Liikuri 9, 13618 Tallinn 

10:00 - 11:20

Getting to know each other. Presentation. Tallinn Liikuri Kindergarten tour, methodology room

11:30 - 12:30

Workshop: what is social inclusion and multi-level group? methodology room

Lunch 12:30 - 13:30

The meals will be served at and paid for by Tallinn Liikuri Kindergarten, methodology room

13:30 - 15:00

Experience sharing, hall

  Please bring your indoor shoes for visiting kindergarten!

Day 2

May, 7th

Venue: Tallinna Liikuri Kindergarten
Address: Liikuri 9, 13618 Tallinn 

08:55 - 12:00

Lesson observation (swimming pool, morning circle, GIGO construction, music class, outdoor activities)

The details will be provided in the morning, please come 10 minutes before the start

Lunch 12:00 - 13:00

Can be ordered in advance, please let us know on May,6th.* (methodology room)
Price is 2.00 EUR, cash only

13:15 - 14:30

Feedback and experience sharing, hall


Day 3

May, 8th

Venue: Vivere School, Tallinna Liikuri Kindergarten
Address:  Tondi 55, 11316 Tallinn
Address: Liikuri 9, 13618 Tallinn 

08:45 - 11:00

Lesson observation and Vivere school tour

Lunch at Tln Liikuri Kindergarten 12:00 - 13:00*

Can be ordered in advance, please let us know on May,7th.
Price is 2.00 EUR, cash only

13:00- 14:30

Multidisciplinary workshops (educational robots and art) at Tallinn Liikuri Kindergarten, methodology room

14:45- 15:30

Q&A session and feedback, methodology room


Day 4

May, 9th

Venue:  The Teachers' House of Tallinn, Old Town
Address: Raekoja plats 14, 10146 Tallinn

10:00 - 12:00

Old town game "Exciting centuries"